Chap 5 (Recollection)

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"So what'd ya think of this new assassin eh?" Demencia spoke as she crawled on the walls, facing a nervous Dr Flug in the kitchen. "Well it's been a few days... s-she's ok I Guess.. she seems pretty strong, but is also kinda... serio- stoic and um-" "Creepy! Like cmon, she keeps to herself most of The time, and always has that weird, creepy mask on! I've had enough of people hiding parts or all of their faces around here, GAAAAHH! It's gonna keep me up all night guessing her face under that mask! Any theories?" Demencia leaned close to Dr Flug, whose imaginations about the wild possibilities about the elusive y/n terrified him.

"What's all this ruckus? Why aren't you guys working?" Black hat growled as he entered the room. "We're just talking about y/n the assassin, black hat~" Demencia replied playfully. "Speaking of y/n, where is she? I need her to help me out with paperwork! Remind me to put a bell on her so she wouldn't just slip away!" Black hat grumbled. "Erm, I- I think I saw her go to the roof, sir?" Dr Flug stammered. "¡Maldita sea!" *Black hat muttered as he left.

(At the roof)

As y/n took a short break after a 100 push ups, she took in the breathtaking view of the orange- violet sunset with the dark night creeping over in the sky. She reminisced the times she had with Martin, the only family member she was remotely close with, telling him horror stories to tease the timid, frightened look on his face in the greenhouse before Father's men took her out for training. "How Long have I felt that peaceful?" Y/n wondered to herself.

Y/n's hand lingered around the mark on her back underneath her sports bra. She began to have vicious flashbacks of the incident. The fresh screams, the iron seal descending heavily, mercilessly on her back, searing off her family mark. "You are no longer my kin!" Echoed the cold, condescending voice of her fathe- no, ex fathe-

Y/n's anger and sorrow fuelled her drive, as she blinked away her tears and began to practice her pugilistic moves, punching and kicking the air with great ferocity and precision, just as He had taught her. Just then, she heard the door leading to the interior of the house open. "Hey y/n, get down here and-" Black Hat went speechless at the sight of the woman, the sheer deadliness and intensity in her eyes and immensely aggressive bloodlust filling her.

"Dangit y/n, I've been looking all over for you! I need you to help me with my paperwork!" Black Hat growled. "I'll be on my way, boss, right after I change." Y/n replied, swiftly slipping into her suit before following black hat back into the mansion.

As they walked through the hallway, black hat could not stop thinking about what he saw. "So... what in the blazes were you doing up there?" He asked to momentarily divert his thoughts. "Training, boss. I need to increase my strength. That last fight was not the best demonstration of my abilities." Y/n replied in her usual monotone voice. "Oh... I see..." Black hat instantly thought of the fight with the beast a few days ago, how she quickly defeated the creature and hardly broke a sweat. Somehow, y/n's strength and agility almost took his breath away. "Are you ok boss?" Y/n asked, feeling slightly confused as black hat kept looking around. "I'm fine, ahem just fine!" He snapped.

The paperwork session with y/n afterwards was strangely awkward and quiet.

*spanish for d*mmit

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