Chap 7 (The Heist part 1)

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"Alright listen up everyone!" Black hat yelled as he gathered the entire staff in the lab. "Business has been lagging lately, I wonder why...." He shot a glare at Dr Flug who shrank away. "So I've decided to stop work for a day...... for us to take part in a HEIST!" Black hat said, grinning maniacally. "Oooo, how thrilling!" Demencia squealed. Y/n stopped slouching on the counter as soon as she heard the word "heist". "And I need all of you to listen up and cooperate on the plan!" Black hat continued, ignoring Dr Flug's meek protests while 5.05 looked on with a childlike interest.


"Everyone, get in the car! The plan is about to be set in action!" Black hat ordered, fingers tapping impatiently on the car door. "We need to get there by lunch hour!" Dr Flug rushed about anxiously to check if any equipment is left behind, 5.05 and Demencia were at the back seat sharing their excitement about the heist, while y/n just picked some small knives. The anticipative mood in the car was infectious, as it was rare for the team to take Parton a heist. As a result, Black hat had to constantly yell at Demencia and 5.05 to pipe down for Dr Flug to drive without distractions. "My first heist without my family, let's see how this goes...." Y/n thought.

"Stop the car, we're here." Black hat ordered. Having parked the car in a deserted area, the five of them directed their attention towards a seemingly non-assuming, slightly decrepit restaurant that seemed to be the only source of life in an empty row of shophouses along the street. Y/n scoffed at the name "Totally not evil eatery". "Just a recap, this eyesore is the HQ of my insipid newcomer rival, Gorp. Sources state that he has a secret weapon stored in the safe in the kitchen. Our goal is to take it away and.... taunt that idiot as we take it and sell it for bigger profit to others!" Black hat cackled devilishly at that prospect, snapping his fingers to set up the "cool heist" mood. "Right, ACTION!"

(Hey guys, sorry for the delay, since it's my first time writing a heist and also the first time I managed to write fanfic this far. Thanks for reading and please vote if you enjoy the story!)

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