Chap 20 (Oh No)

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Y/n's mind was in a daze as she stood there, rooted to the ground. If she hadn't gone with Black Hat and Flug to the Mission, then they would've- Y/n shuddered at the thought of getting found by him. "5.0.5! What in the blazes happened while we were away?!" Black Hat's yelling brought her back into reality, as he and Flug got to the burnt spot on the grass patch. 5.0.5 could only whimper in fright and turn his head towards the manor, which had a giant hole at the side. "Mondragons...." Black Hat growled at the insignia, and Y/n glanced back at 5.0.5, who was still shaken by the intrusion, and gave him a small reassuring squeeze before rushing into the house with Black Hat, while Dr Flug stayed behind to comfort 5.0.5.

"Demencia, are you ok?!" Y/n called out. The interior of the house was strangely kept intact, that is, till they reached the treasury, where the doors were blasted open. It seemed like whoever broke in had a specific objective.

"Demencia!" Y/n exclaimed in alarm when she saw the lizard girl crouching in a corner, covered with bruises and scratches all over, almost as if she had returned from war. She was holding onto her leg and wincing in pain. "Demencia, what happened to you?! What happened when we were gone?!" Y/n knelt down and tried to help her lie down on the floor. "Some a**holes broke in here... they got me and 5.0.5 hurt, they stole from the treasury, and worst of all...." Demencia pointed a trembling finger towards her head. "They swung me around with my HAIR and I broke my leg! No one messes with my hair!!" Demencia yelled in frustration, using what little energy she had to flail her clenched fists about.

Y/n patted her back and tried to calm her down. "Alright, Glad to see you're still alive, now lie down!" Black Hat simply shook his head at them and entered the treasury. "What the- THE GOLD KNOCKOUT'S GONE!" Black Hat bellowed from inside, interrupting the small bit of silence between the women. Y/n immediately rushed into the treasury, and noticed Black Hat seething in rage near a broken empty glass case where the gauntlet had been, and her eyes trailed to a large hole in the wall, where the intruders seemed to have made their escape. The other priceless artifacts in the room were relatively untouched. "So that's what they came for... they really are professional.." Y/n felt cold sweat drip from underneath her mask. An unpleasant knotted feeling in her stomach began to arise within her.

"Y/n," Black hat's cold voice snapped her out of her thoughts

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"Y/n," Black hat's cold voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Just.... get Demencia and 5.0.5 to the medical room for treatment with Flug. I'll deal with this." From the dangerously quiet tone in his voice, Y/n instinctively knew that it commanded immediate obedience, so she quickly nodded and left.

As y/n carried Demencia in her arms and walked down the hallway while the former ranted on about her messed up hairdo, she met with dr Flug and 5.0.5, with the latter' arm slung over the former's shoulders, who seemed like he was trying all his might to support the bear's weight. "Black Hat told me to go to the medical room with you guys." Y/n said. "I see, I- it's a good thing it's nearby, f-follow me!" The scientist replied and led her to a small room only a few doors away from the Lab. 

The medical room was neat and simple, with a few medical beds and a table with first aid equipment and a few chairs neatly arranged at a corner. "Accidents happen a lot here, s-so this room is pretty handy for us." Dr Flug said, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere a little. Demencia and 5.0.5 were laid down on the beds and Flug went to get the first aid kit while Y/n stayed to console the patients. "You guys did your best in keeping this place safe." Y/n smiled as she patted their shoulders, and 5.0.5 engulfed the three of them in a big embrace. Y/n hugged back tightly and buried her face into his fur, trying to keep her worries hidden.

As Demencia and 5.0.5 huddled together in a cosy sleeping pile after having their injuries treated, y/n and Dr Flug stepped outside. "Don't worry y/n, these two aren't really human, s-so they'll heal up in a couple of days." Dr Flug said, looking at Y/n. "Good." y/n responded and stared off into space, with her hand clutching her hair. "D-don't worry too much about it, Y/n, whatever happens, Black Hat will think of something.. There's a reason he's one of the greatest villains out there after all." Dr Flug tried to ease her evidently distressed state.

"Flug, I'm gonna go get out stuff from our car, to clear my mind ......" Y/n said and sighed. "O-of course! Just put them in the lab for the time being! Thanks Y/n!" They both stared at each other for a while. "You can't tell, b-but I'm smiling underneath my paper bag." Dr Flug said and pointed to his face. "Right." Y/n chuckled weakly  before she left.

As Y/n gathered the things from the car and tried not to let them topple over, she stepped towards the dead grass patch where that hateful insignia was. Y/n took a deep breath and laid the heap of swords, ghost bottles and the case on the ground. She then lifted her foot into the air and slammed it down hard onto the insignia, channelling every bit of her rage and frustration as she stomped on the sign repeatedly.

As Y/n's anger died down, she eventually stopped and tried to pull herself together . "I gotta calm down for them, especially in this mess.." y/n thought as she looked at the tiny craters on the ground, her deep breaths beginning to stabilise. "I- I can't let my team see me like this, I gotta be strong for them, it's just-" Y/n clenched her fist tight while her other hand gripped it tremblingly for small comfort. It was one of the few times in her life when she had no idea what to expect next, and she hugged herself tight at that thought. All she could do was wait for Black Hat's further instructions regarding the matter. Y/n shook her thoughts away and carried the things into the house. She'd leave the rest of her brooding to her private time.

Sorry for the late updates btw, I was busy with an important studio project where I had to animate a rice sack being chased by a giant Bowling ball, and not gonna lie, writing this chapter was hard due to my writer's block. Thanks for supporting my story so far, and I hope you guys can continue to enjoy it, peace!

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