16. A Murder Plan

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Ranveer 's POV

' You are staying at the Oberoi Mansion until you recover and I don't want any arguments on this.' Mom said.

' But mom... '

' You won't listen to your mom.'

' umm ..... ok. As you wish mom. '

' That's like my good boy. ' Mom said with a smile.

Really I can't say no to mom. After all she loves me so much, how can I refuse her words. I am ready to do anything for her smile.

She pulled my cheek, where Priyanka kissed me a while ago. She winked and left the room. Dad and bhaiya were giggling now.

This is really embarrassing. I can't take more of this teasing. Better change the topic.

' Bhaiya why didn't you tell me about your blood type before? '

Dad and bhaiya became serious at once.

' Why are you asking? It isn't so important so I didn't told before. '
Bhaiya said with a confusion.

' Bhaiya do you think the mishappening was an accident? '

' What do you mean? '

' It was a murder plan. '

' WHAT !!!!! ' Dad and bhaiya said in an utter shock.

' Yes it was.'

' Would someone tell me what really happened? ' Dad asked with confusion.

' I had to go for some urgent work so I didn't bring the guards with me. I was driving but then I realised that the brakes had failed. Suddenly a car came from the opposite direction with speed. So I turned my car to the side. It bumped into a tree. Due to the impact, my head was hurt and I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I was in the hospital. '

Bhaiya narrated his part of the story. Now it was my turn.

' The intelligence team traced their call and got to know that it was all their plan to kill you. Someone tempered with the brakes of your car. As soon as they messaged me, I went to that road. Even the car which came from the opposite direction was theirs. They had sent some goons to make sure that you don't survive this accident in any case. I beat them up which resulted in a few wounds on my chest and abdomen. Those were some strong men. They gave a quite a tough time. The petrol of your car was leaking so I need to get you out but the door was jammed. I opened it with force but hurt my hand in the process. Fortunately I got you out before the car blasted. The goons were gone by this time. But I was in no condition to drive my car and take you to the hospital. Thanks to God, Abeer had followed me so he brought us to the hospital. '

There was a dead silence in the room. Dad and bhaiya knew that our family was in danger but I think they didn't expected that things could be so dangerous. I could see the fear in their eyes. The fear of losing their loved ones.

' It wasn't just a murder plan for Mr Oberoi. ' Abeer said as he entered the room. He quickly locked it from inside. There was something in his hands in plastic bags, the ones we use to put evidences in.

' What do you mean Abeer? What have you found? ' I asked.

' It was a plan to kill you as well. ' He said while handing over that evidence. It was a long pin.

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