35. You've all the rights

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Priyanka 's POV

Did I just heard right?

' Aaru is alive. ' I said slowly trying to believe my ears.

It feels like a dream.

To say that I am happy to know this, would be an understatement.

' It's Aradhya for you Priyanka. ' Ranveer told me in a monotone voice.

His voice bring me back to this world. A lot of questions came to mind.

' What happened to Aaru..... I mean Aradhya? '

I prayed to God with all my heart for an affirmative answer. Please God, listen to me for the last time, I won't ask for anything ever again.

' Aaru survived the accident but just barely. She had hit her head. She slipped into coma. '

His voice was heavy and came out as barely above a whisper.

He turned his face towards the other side. His muscles were tensed. He was visibly uncomfortable at the mention of his sister.

A part of me didn't want to push this conservation forward. But I need to know. 

Why? Why do someone else has to suffer for my mistake? What was her fault? Why did she had to suffer? Can't I do anything? Just anything.

Seriously should I be happy that she's alive or should I be sad that she's barely alive because of me?


My head hurts. So many negative thoughts. Guilt washed over me. My throat feels choked. Tears roll my cheeks.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Maybe there's still some hope. Maybe she can be fine. Medical science has improved a lot in recent time.

She's breathing. That means there's a chance for her survival. People do come out of coma. It's possible. I shouldn't lose hope like this.

Mustering all my courage, I put my hand on Ranveer 's cheek and made him look at me.

His gaze was down fixed on the floor. I could feel his breaths were uneven.

' What ..... did ..... the ..... doctors ..... say? '

I asked slowly in a whisper. I prayed again to God. I am ready to do anything just let her be fine.

He looked into my eyes. I could see only pain in them. He rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

' The doctors said that it's hopeless. She's never gonna wake up. '

A lone tear escaped his brown orbs which he quickly wiped off. I left the breath that I didn't realised that I had been holding.

His tears are alien to me. I had known for more than a year and never show shedding a single pearl drop from his eyes even though there were reasons for him to. I had seen the faintest trace of the salty water in his eyes, but he always controlled them just like he controlled all his emotions.

Seeing that one tear drop in his eyes felt more painful than all those times when I had cried for hours. I can't bear seeing him in pain.

Without any rational thinking, I put my arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as I could.

His bigger frame was stiff against mine, much smaller one. Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I always found peace in his embrace. I thought maybe it was soothe him as well. But then again, he wasn't the reason of my pain. Ok some of it.

I was going to pull apart when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I could feel his breath at the back of my neck.

I blushed as this was the first time that he hugged me back after our marriage. Well he did once before but we were asleep and cold. Now he did this willingly.

We stayed like this for God knows how long. I cherishing this moment when I felt my dress getting wet.

I pulled apart to see his tear strained face which felt like a dagger pierced my heart. His gaze was still down not meeting mine. I cupped his face and wiped his tears.

' Ranveer...... don't lose hope...... have faith in God ....... everything will be alright. '

He lifted his gaze and I could see the vulnerability in his eyes. He wasn't the brave ACP Randhawa right now, he was just a young man who had lost his parents and almost lost the last member of his family due to an accident, a grieving son and brother.

I had never seen Ranveer as so
vulnerable. He had always maintained a strong aura around himself. But on the inside, he was so broken.

I know he needed someone's comfort right now but I am sure I can't be that someone. I do love him beyond measures but at the same time, I am the reason for his pain. My presence really won't do him any good. 

I can't see him in pain nor can I do anything to lessen his pain. Really what kind of wife am I? A terrible one. It's better to leave than disturb him with my presence.

I stood up but Ranveer held my hand. His grip firm as always. I didn't look into his eyes in the fear  of seeing his hatred for me.

' Don't go. Don't leave me alone like everyone else. '

I stopped dead in my tracks hearing his words. There was a hint of request in his words.

I put aside all other thoughts and sat beside him. A faint smile formed on his lips for a split of second. He intertwined his hand with mine.

He needs me. He wants me. That's all I care about.

We sat in complete silence for some time. This silence wasn't awkward or heavy. It was comforting. Sometimes words are not needed.

Suddenly Ranveer laid down putting his head in my lap.

' Please don't mind Priyanka. Let me be like this for a while. ' he said in a tired voice. My name on his lips always sounds like a melody.

' No. Why would I? After all you're my husband. You've all the rights.'

Silence engulfed the room again. Moonlight came in from the drawn curtains. I took my time to admire the features of my handsome features. Even with messed hair and worry lines on his forehead, he looked hot. I controlled the urge to kiss him again. Our first kiss was quick and small. So I want to taste him completely. That kiss was out of jealousy and insecurity on my part, wonder of it will ever be out of love.

I want to run my fingers in his soft hair but I hesitate.

' You're my wife. You've all the rights. '

I smiled and massaged his hair. I remembered, in the same position , we had spent so many evenings, together under the silver disc, talking about random stuff, when he was just my boyfriend. Even though it was an act by his side, I had cherished every single moment with him.

He soon relaxed and his breathing became even. I placed a kiss on his cheek softly.

He opened his eyes as if he had got a 440 volt shock. He was looking at me as if I had grown two horns on my head.

' What? I am your wife and I have all the rights. ' I said with confidence.

' Who denied that? ' he winked and closed his eyes again.

He's such a tease.


Sorry for the late update. I have an exam on Sunday and I am busy preparing for it.

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