Hestia is angered

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Kate's Pov
I kept walking in the woods heading straight to camp,I just had to show Shem my life fiber heart tho,its weird to touch,I sight and arrived at my destination I just gave a poker look and went through the barrier,I went to the training grounds and saw Chiron"Hey Chiron" I called walking,he notice and then gave me ugh I don't wanna say the word.... Smile,I just tried to smile back because I don't like smiling anymore,I have no emotions and feelings like shit.

"Its good to see you again Kate you can go to your cabin for rest"he said,I nodded and went to my cabin passing a angered Annabeth I stopped"hey what's wrong?" Ira asked"its just Percy he just became the king of gods all because if that stupid bitch Kate who made him be with Hera!!!!" She ranted,I kinda wanted to smack her and kill her for calling me a bitch but I don't want them to know its me"your just jealous" I said"JEALOUS HAH YEAH RIGHT!!" She said,I rolled my eyes and  she saw me do that"your so mean,I am Athena's daughter you can't just do that to a wise girl!!" She shouted at me"I can because I can do whatever I want" I said back"ugh your that worst!!" She shouted,I used some of the flames to make her hair on fire and made her jump on the lake which and made me smirk and went on.

Regulars Pov
Athena watch what happened and could not believe that her daughter is a bragging snout,she sighed and went to Hera and was about open when"Hera please stop" "but Percy your my new husband and I would want you to have me~" Hera said,Athena rolled her eyes and realized that Hera and Zeus got divorce and Zeus was free and was able to have sex with other females,she sighed and went to the council room only  to see Hestia tapping her fingers,she became really mean to Zeus because of what he done,but she forgave him since her daughter is back"hello Hestia" she greeted the goddess"hello Athena,I heard that Percy and Hera are a couple now" she said"yes but who however Kate has become you know" Athena trued not to say heartless"yes she did just because of Zeus" Hestia said in anger and stood up"if you need someone to talk to you can to my place of Aphrodite's place okay" she said as she went to  her home,she nodded and went hers too.

Kate's Pov
I decided to wear something new like dresses,cloaks and other stuff and I only came here to rest for one night so to continue my journey.
These are her what she is wearing:

These are her what she is wearing:

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She even had weapons:

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She even had weapons:

She even had weapons:

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A dagger

And a Cestial bronze sword she us awesome

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And a Cestial bronze sword she us awesome.
I grabbed my bag and went to the gates and pass through never looking back,I hope that mom is fine,I sighed and looked up.

Poseidon Pov

Percy was doing a good job on being kings and Hera seems to like him even more making Percy like her too,I sighed and looked down and saw hellhounds,I rolled eyes and spotted Kate who was looking up I looked away and don't want to get hurt by Hestia tho.

I went to throne room and was about to open but I heard Hera moan,I blushed beet red and left to find Hestia I found her and tapped her shoulders"yes Poseidon?" She asked"your daughter is very you know strong" I said trying to make a conversation"yes she us" she said she is still sad of daughter turned to a heartless girl,I sigh and left her not knowing she had made the fires explode.

I went to the throne room again and saw Percy readings book in his throne"hello son" I greeted"hey dad" he said smiling"so I heard you and Hera are you know~~~" I smirked and he blushed"oh gods don't get me started" he said I laughed and we continued to talk having a father and son time.

But I did not know someone was watching us"Mistress will be pleased to hear the news" Said a skeleton with hearts in her eyes.
(You know who that is 😫😫)
Welp I am so not writing for a week because tomorrow is school for me so yeah and I won't be bringing my phone sorry.

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