Chapter 46: Shut up

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Jimin: Y/N, I'm done cleaning, just letting you know, and sweet dreams darling sleep tight....


I'm not alseep yet and I can hear Jimin walk out my hotel room, and close the door behind him, since the locks aren't actually locks by automatic locks, where it locks its self already and coming in you have to type in your password. Cool right. Well it's not the first hotel that has this kind of thing so I wouldn't brag much.

Jimin P.O.V

I got inside my room as I took as long deep sigh. So, Y/N goes to an university in LA here, same goes to Taehyung. I got to my bedroom as I flopped back and stared at the empty ceiling, thinking of nothing but Y/N.

Jimin: What have you done to me Y/N? I can't help but think about you to sleep, you're the last thing I think of before going to sleep and the first thing I think of waking up in the morning.

But I soon was able to fall alseep, after a hour of thinking.


The LA sun rise rose across the whole city, and have I mention that there are balconys on each and every room, which is soo relaxing to be at in the morning.

I made myself coffee as I wait for it, while waiting, Y/N came to my head I smiled of the thought of her.

Jimin: Aishh, why not make two.



*knock knock*

Who the fuck is here at this hour! Its like 7:29am in the morning don't you not know how tired I am? Ugh this person must be the only loud and playful Taehyung I know. This boy got to have a good reason why he's here.

Y/N: Taehyung you better have a good reason why you're here this early in the morning, if not, be ready to dig up your grave--

I opened the door not see Taehyung, but Jimin standing there with two coffee in his hands as he force a smile. I think after all that I just said he must gotten scared.

Y/N: Oh hi there Jimin..

I soften my voice, not to impress Jimin but just to make him feel more safe.

Jimin: Oh hey Y/N, I thought I stop by and drop off a cup of coffee for you but, you seem like you're not a morning person so, maybe I'll stop by later.

Y/N: Oh no its okay, I thought you were Taehyung that's why I kind of over reacted but thanks, you can come inside if you want.

Jimin: Yeah sure, why not.

Jimin came inside and I shut the door behind me I took a look to see if he's there. Nope. I took a deep sigh to calm myself down so I make a fool out of myself, or may be I'm just nervous towards Jimin, which is a never, I don't even care about him, whether he's here or not, I can handle this! Pftt! Piece of cake. 

A few moments later...

Just great now me and Jimin are just sitting here awkwardly staring at each other time to time.

Jimin/ Y/N: So umm--

Wait what..

Jimin/ Y/N: No you go first.

Jimin: Lady's first
Y/N: Man's first

We both are saying things at the same time and now I just stood quite, so as Jimin.

Y/N: You can go first,  you're the guess.

Jimin: Oh well I just wanted to ask if you need any help on the project your working on.

Oh my god, please don't you're just going to bring all those memories back to me, please don't.. just get out of here.

Y/N: Yeah I need help, but not from someone like you.

Saying this hurts me too okay, but I have to, I don't want any of the pain back to me, he needs to know how the pain was for me.

Jimin: I mean I'm a pretty good  helper---

Y/N: No thanks Jimin I've seen you worked on projects like this before and it's not impressing.

Jimim: Y/N...

I'm sorry Jimin, I don't mean any of what I'm saying to you but I have to forget you, I don't want to me caught in a lie, again.

Jimin: I know you hate me but, I'm only asking for one thing.

Y/N: And I said I don't need your help!

Jimin: Y/N you don't mean this.. your eyes says it all..


Jimin: No! I'm not!

Y/N: Then I will!

Jimim: You're not going anywhere Y/N!

I was up running by then and I'm so close up the door now, but I was held back by the waist and pushed against the wall.

Y/N: Ugh! What the hell Jimin!

He pinned me with both his hands on mines as he breaths hard as am I.

Jimin: Where do you think you're going?!

Y/N: To Taehyung, where I'm safe, not with a ugly, mean, disgraceful monster like you!

Jimin: Shutup Y/N!

Y/N: I'm not going to! Not until Taehyung gets here!

Jimin: I said SHUT UP ABOUT HIS NAME! Or I'll make you shut up myself!

Y/N: TAE---

Jimin: That's it! you leave me no choice.

And before I can finish saying Taehyung's name Jimin's lips crashed onto mines shutting me up for good, I haven't felt his lips for such a long time I feel like I needed it but I still have to escape  I didn't realize it until I really came to my senses and that's when I start pushing Jimin away, but he's too strong, I couldn't even fight back. Taehyung was right, if a guy really wants to rape me, they can whenever they want, because I'm a girl and girls aren't as strong...

Jimin's eyes remain close as he fights for the win of the kiss, I didn't kiss him back though. He didn't seem to care, the only thing that is important for him right now was shutting me up. His body is so close to mines and I can feel the heat between us heats up by seconds but I'm not going to lose. I waited for his lips to leave mines, but he never did, so I knew then that he won't let go anytime sooner so I kissed him back... he smiled in sucess as I failed in annoyance, he always wins whatever he wants huh?

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