Chapter 13: Enough

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' Jimin just slapped me? '

Jimin: DON'T YOU EVER CALL HER A SLUT!!!-  Jimin yelled at before he slapped me again, and left...

*Y/n's thoughts*

Why...? Why? Did I deserved that... did I? Am I wrong? She is a slut is she? Why don't you guys notice that...
Whatever I do, its wrong, ( hot tears began to draw down on my cheeks) Jimin hates me now... he really does, but why do I care if he does or if he doesn't? I hate him, but why does it hurts, it hurts seeing him hurt, it hurts seeing him mad, sad, but it hurts more seeing him with her! What did I do wrong!? Because I wasn't at his party that night... he hates me!! But he didn't even let me explain!! '

Lost in my thoughts... I walked down the empty halls, going to the bathroom, but before I entered the bathroom... I heard some girls, having this conversation, about Jimin and Mina, "dating" I just stood there, and listened to their conversation,

Girl 1: Have you heard that Mina and Jimin are a thing now?

Girl 3: Yeah, I've heard! And they even slept together, yesterday, at Jimin's party!

Girl 2: Really!? Jinja! For real!? No way!- she sound shocked

Girl 3: Yes! They did! I was there at the party! And OFCROUSE they were loud, but they floor they were on was just loud, because the other parts of the house was blasted with music!

Girl 1&2: DANG!- I heard them walking out of the bathroom now, I hid behind the door, they left.

'Jimin and Mina? Together? One bed? Re--all--y?' Tears were falling again, I couldn't hold it in.. this was the first time, I've ever felt this hurt!! My heart is breaking, it's getting teared, slowly and the pain hurts.
I was crying for a very long time.. And when I knew it, it was time to go home, I stood up and went to the mirror, my eyes were swollen and red, but I didn't care I just wanted to get home. I ran out of the bathroom, to the gates, I was almost out.. untill....

Jimin was kissing Mina! Tears, tragedy, and pain starts to run in me, I didn't know what to do, then everything got blurry and then everything went black, pitch black

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Jimin was kissing Mina! Tears, tragedy, and pain starts to run in me, I didn't know what to do, then everything got blurry and then everything went black, pitch black...

I woked up, there was a bright light above me, I blinked a couple time to get use to the light, then I looked to my left, and right, I was at the, hospital? Why am I here? Then the nurse walked in, she asked me if I was feeling okay, I nodded, and then she told me what happened, when she told me the things that happened, and whats going to happen, tears start forming, and I started to feel dizzy.. then.. everything went black, once again.

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating!because of school. But now it's here!

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