Part 1

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*Alright just so you know I'll be putting the notes in parenthesis ((...)) for the writer and (...) for you/reader**
"I stand corrected," Koala sighs. "___, Sabo, please stop yelling," She tries to sooth. You turn away from the blond in annoyance.
"The idiot started it," You huff ill-temperedly.
"Wha- I'm not on idiot! You pain in the ass!" Sabo snaps. Again Koala was impressed, it usually took quite a bit to get Sabo to raise his voice, and to a woman above all. Yet you've barely been in the same room for a minute and you already had him all riled up and pissed.
"I don't know why Dragon-San keeps pairing you up, it's obvious you two can't stand eachother," She sighs.
"Damn right," You snort as Sabo nods in agreement.
"Anyway, let's just get this over with," Sabo grunts, taking the maps over.
"Tsk, so what is it this time?" You question, plopping down in a chair and propping your feet up on the table like a delinquent. Sabo makes a face of distaste at that.
"Get your boots off the table," He tells you.
"Don't feel like it," You reply bluntly. He takes a deep breath.
"Can't you for once act lady like?" He sighs.
"Why should I?" You counter, lip curling slightly. He shoots a glare at you.
"Nevermind, should've known the brutish woman wouldn't listen," He mutters. You frown at that and knock the table over with your foot, scattering the maps and papers. Koala tenses while Sabo grits his teeth.
"Oops," You grunt.
"___!" Koala gasps before Sabo has the chance to lose his cool again.
"The nobleman can do it himself. I'm going back to my nap," You tell her, getting up and stalking out.
"Sabo! Go apologize!" Koala scolds. "That was uncalled for and you know it!"
"Why should I? She's right, I can do this myself," Sabo responds stubbornly.
"Dragon-san wants you to bond! Now go apologize!" She snaps, jabbing a finger at the door. Sabo reluctantly heads out to find you.
You were just dozing off on your favorite window seal when he came up. "___," He states. You open an eye and look at him.
"Not accepted," You say bluntly.
"At least wait until I say it," He sighs. You shift, glancing at him. "I'm sorry," He adds. You turn your head away.
"Your plan won't do, they've already dispatched too many Revolutionaries. It's best to weaken them first," You tell him. Sabo blinks in brief confusion before realizing you were continuing on the discussion that you had prior to your loud argument from earlier.
"But, it's a stealth mission," He points out.
"Weakening groups doesn't have to be loud and messy, just gradually switch the workers with our own." You point, doing a switch movement with your fingers. Sabo pauses, he hadn't thought of that.
"Like an under cover invasion," He murmurs.
"There you go, good job Blondie~" You mock. He grits his teeth, biting back a response.
"Thanks anyway," He says, suddenly calm again. You blink, raising an eyebrow.
"Uh... No.... Im going to sleep now if that's it," You huff turning your back on him.
"Yeah, sleep well," He manages, still annoyed before stalking off.
"Welcome ___, I rarely see you in here," The librarian comments.
"I'm just looking for a spot to nap," You reply going to a corner table. You sit down, glancing at the strategies book that sat in the center. A bit curious, you flip through the pages, until a piece of paper falls out. You blink at the handwriting on it.
((What should be done about the inventory problem?))
You blink, you had heard about the recent shortages, but was it really something to worry about. Your mind was already thinking of solutions before you realized you grabbed a pencil to write a response.
(Rationing, daily inventory check, night watches)
You doubted whoever wrote the question would see your answer. However, you were wrong...

Notes ~ Sabo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now