Part 5

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Ace tensed, looking around the street. Marines hustle around, not paying any mind to you or the boy. You glance around, spotting a warehouse close by. Seemed like a place Sabo would check. You start for the warehouse, keep an eye out for the blond. "Why does he have to do this sort of thing while we're partnered up?" You mutter.
"Are you sure he's not into trouble?" Ace asks. "And could you put me down?"
"Yes I'm sure, what's here to trouble that man?... And no, I like carrying you for some reason," You reply bluntly, still looking around as you spoke.
"You... Have a lot of faith in him," He murmurs.
"Is that what you think?" You muse. He blinks at you.
"Is it something else?" He asks.
"Could be.... Could be doomed hope," You breathe with a smirk. He frowns a bit at that. "Or it could even be adoration... You never know," You add, stopping in an alley across from the warehouse. Pink dusts his cheeks.
"Well? Which is it?" He questions. You meet his blue orbs.
"You seem awfully interested in what I think of my superior," You comment. He tears his gaze away.
"I... I was just curious," He mutters. A giggle escapes you, he sure was a cute little kid. You kiss his temple.
"What an adorable little guy you are, I think I'll take you in," You chuckle as his face flushes.
"I'm... I'm not little," He scoffs, trying to glare at you but flailing due to the blush.
"If you say so Ace," You laugh, transferring him to your back. "Hold on to me, there might be trouble in that warehouse," You instruct.
"Is that really a good idea?" Ace asks.
"Who knows... He might be in there.... Either way, I'm still on a mission. Even if he has gone crazy or something I still plan to complete this assignment and return with him," You reply. He blinks at you in slight awe.
"I can wait here if you want, I don't want to be a distraction," He tells you.
"Really? That would be so much easier," You comment with a smile. He nods and hops off your back. "Alright, hold onto this, I rather not have him scolding me over getting his clothes slashed up," You add, handing him the satchel with Sabo's clothes.
"Okay... Be careful ___." He tells you. You take a knee and ruffle his hair.
"Don't worry about me Ace, just stay here if you can. If not there's a ship at the pier with an eagle figurehead. We'll meet there," You inform him with a smile. He nods in understanding and you kiss his forehead. "Then I'm off," You chuckle before walking out the alley, leaving him blushing in surprise. You start for the warehouse alone. You slink in and look around, finding large crates.
'Where is everyone?' You wonder, sneaking over to a crate and prying it open. Weapons sat inside it. You glance around before pulling back the cover label and snapping a picture. 'Seems like our intel was right... But where's Sabo?" You wonder. You felt a wave of worry for him. You frown a bit, stepping away from the crate only to back into someone much larger than yourself. There's a pause and you swiftly roll to the side, dodging grabbing arms and bursting for the exit. You narrowly dodge a canon ball from an arm canon. You reach the street and a shadow comes over you. You flip out of the way and your attacker slashes the ground where you had been.
"Just one little girl? That's why they had all of us wait?" The large man sneers as you're surrounded.
"Little girl? I'll have you regretting those words," You growl.
"Ooh she's fiesty, let me be the one to slash her up!" The one with a greatsword cackles. You shift, arm swords glinting.
"You're welcome to try, I'll have most of ya cut up before he comes to his senses." You chuckle.
"Sure are confident. Lets see how long that lasts!" The swordsman howls, launching at you. His movements were sloppy, it was easy to find an opening and score his side in a split second as you easily dodge his attack. He pauses briefly in shock before looking down in time to see blood pool out and fall unconscious.
"I'm still feeling confident," You muse as the others jump back in shock.
"No way!"
"One move!"
"She's a monster!"
You smile at their horrified comments. "Come on now boys, you change your opinions of me so fast..." You comment with a smirk, holding up your arm blade. "See this? Still clean, not a splatter of blood... I imagine monsters are quite messy... So do try to think of a more suiting name," You purr as they pale.
"Don't let her unnerve you! She's only one woman!" The large man bellows, raising his club.
"Ah, I hear you've changed your mind about me being a little girl, come at me then," You challenge. The grunts hesitate but soon come at you at once. Before you can move to attack flames burst around you and you smile. "It's about time, were you hiding FireFace?" You ask as he lands beside you.
"Of course not," He huffs. You glance at him.
"Glad to see you're not streaking," You comment with a smirk, taking in his clothes. Red tints his cheeks slightly.
"Eh, it was fun while it lasted," He muses. You feel your face heat up at that.
"Dammit FireFace! What the were you doing!?" You sputter, turning away. He smirks a bit at your response.
"Heh. What's wrong ___? Don't have any clever quips for once?" He teases.
"Shut up and lets go," You grumble, promptly ignoring the large man as he lunges with his club.
"Don't ignore me you!" The large man bellows, swinging his club at you. Sabo stops it easily.
"Were you hoping to catch me without my clothes on?" Sabo chuckles, shattering the club as he looked at you.
"Hell no!" You snap, still blushing. "Geez. What the hell has gotten into you nobleman!?" You growl as the large man staggers back in horror at the fact that you both were totally ignoring him.
"Who knows?" The blond muses, following after you.

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