Part 6

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      "Um... How much longer are you going to wait out here?" Sabo asks, leaning on the railing. You shift from where you stood on the pier. You had been out here for hours waiting for Ace to show up since you couldn't find him after departing in the alleyway.
"I... Dont know... I just hope the little guy is alright," You murmur. He pauses, blinking in surprise at your worried tone.
"I'm sure he's fine, come on, we need to get back to Vartigo," He tells you. You don't move, frowning toward the town.
"But..." You breathe, trying to think of a way to convince the blond to wait a bit longer. You hear him land on the pier behind you.
"He was fine when I ran into him, just seemed concerned about you... I'm sure he's fine." He assures you, touching your shoulder.
".... Well... Alright," You mutter, frowning still before turning to him.
"Heh, never seen you so worried about someone, you're not as heartless as I thought." He comments with a smirk. You blink and look at him.
"And you're not as proper as I thought... Running around naked... And you made me do all the work, I am so telling Dragon on you," You huff, going up the ship ramp.
"I think I liked you better when you were worried," He says.
"And I liked you better when you were missing," You shoot back.
"Is that so? Then I better not go missing for a while then," He growls.
"I hate you," You huff.
"I'm sure you do."
"Sabo! ___! You came back together!!" Koala cheers, running up and giving you a hug.
"Dragon would've scolded me if I had left the streaker behind," You grumble. She pulls back raising an eyebrow.
"Eh?" She huffs.
"Nothing, she's just happy to be back," Sabo says, covering your mouth. Still annoyed with him, you bite his hand. He winces, "Don't bite me! I don't want whatever it is that makes you rude!" He growls to you. You raise an eyebrow and apply more pressure. "Ow! Don't make me burn your tongue!" He threatens.
"It's amazing you two came back in one piece..." Hack comments as you reluctantly release Sabo's hand.
"It wasnt so bad at first... She's been up since we left the island. So she's more... Grumpy..." Sabo tells them.
"The nobleman wouldn't sleep either, apparently he thought I was gonna smother him in his sleep," You huff. Sabo frowns at you.
"I didn't think that... I was thinking about something else," He informs you.
"Right... I'm going to sleep now, you got the report nobleman?" You yawn handing him the denden.
((You think so?))
(Yes, don't you?)
((Well I normally try to be. But some people just rub me the wrong way you know?))
(Oh I know... But sometimes that's a good thing...)
((How so?))
(Sometimes it helps change how you look at things)
You sit back in the chair. Thinking to yourself as you look at the notes. You felt like you could tell the stranger anything. "So weird... But I kinda look forward to coming here now," You muse, standing up and slipping the paper back into the book. You place the book in its usual spot and head out, making your way back to the main building.
"___!" Koala calls, making you stop and look back. She approaches with Sabo and a platinum haired girl that you never met before.
"Yeah?" You ask.
"We're giving Solis here a tour, thought she should meet an executive," Koala tells you.
"Hi!" The golden eyed girl chimes, shoving a hand toward you. You blink at her hand, then look at her face. She felt so fake and something about her made you wary.
"Hello," You reply calmly. She blinks at your cool response and pouts.
"You're right Sabo-kun! She's so cold!" She tears up, latching onto his arm. Your eye twitches.
"Uh, there there... ___, don't be so cold to the new recruits." Sabo scolds you. You blink, feeling a spike of annoyance.
"Not all of us can be sunshine and rainbows nobleman," You snort. He glares at you briefly before turning away.
"Come on Solis, lets introduce you to more friendly members," He says, stalking off with her connected to his arm.
"Sabo-kun is so cool!!" She gushes. She looks back, golden eyes locking with yours. She gives a smile before focusing on Sabo again. Your frown deepens.
"There's a storm coming..." You mutter.

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