A Day With George Washington

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Hey there!!!! Its earthstar, well I'm writing this book for a projeect in school. Its finsh already so I'm like well let me just publish it to Wattpad. I hope you like it. Please. Please VOTE...COMMENT....FAN..DO YOUR THANG. Well start reading, enjoy ;)

Prologue: Don’t let them out of your sight

    “Do you have an eye on them Agent D?” the boss asked in the deep, threatening voice.

“Yes sir.” Agent D squealed.

“Good, do not let them out of your sight. Has our spy tried talking to them yet?” the boss asked.

“No sir. He will try to do so today.” she replied. “Sir” she added quickly.

“Make sure he does so fast, we have no time to waste. Now leave me, I have plenty of other things I need to do.” the boss yelled.

Agent D took a quick bow and quietly left the dark room. Once she walked through the door she took a deep breath, relieved that the boss hadn’t found out her plan to sabotage his work. So far things were going just as she planned, that must continue. She can’t risk making one single mistake or else everything will be ruined.

A Day With George WashingtonWhere stories live. Discover now