Chapter 6

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Well hope u loving it so far. The project is almost done so I may write just a few more chapters. Vote...Comment....Like. Thxs

Chapter 6: Welcome to 1746

"Okay, guys. We have no time, if the boss gets his hands on you the whole world would be doomed" Danielle said really fast.

“What do we do now?!" Jen said in a panicking voice.

“I know you guys are still confused and have no training but you have to travel back in time right now" Danielle said. It was clear that she doubted their ability and she was very worried about what will happen.

“Right now? No way!" Maria exclaimed.

“Yeah, there is no way I will travel back in time in a Time Machine that I know nothing about!". Jen agreed.

Then there was another round of knock on the door.

“Agent D I know you are in there" The Boss said in an angry, scary voice.

“Please, you must go now. If you don't he would kill us all and the whole world will be destroyed" Danielle said.

“Well, we have no choice. Let's do it" Maria said.

Danielle gave them a little watch that had years in a spiral circle that seems to go on forever. It also had a little spinning thing at the side of the watch and in the watch was a pointer that pointed to 2015.

"All you have to do is set the time to the year 1746. That was the year when George Washington was 14 years old. The time machine changes your clothes to what they wore that year so you can fit in easily. Once you get the ring and the lesson just set the time at 2015 and you will be back here". Danielle said.

"Wait but what about our family, they would be very worried about us" Jen said.

“When you are on your mission, time stops. So it looked like no time has passed when you are gone. So even though you spend a month there, when you come back to the future on time has passed" Danielle explained.

“So when we come back The Boss will still be there?" Jen asked.

"No, he would be gone. Once the world is safe he disappears into thin air and never come back till there is another problem" Danielle said.

“Okay, here goes nothing" Maria said.

Slowly Jen turned set the time to 1746. The air started to spin faster and faster then all of a sudden they disappeared.

Chapter 7: Life in the 1700s

When Jen opened her eyes looked at her surrounding, the time machine had brought her and Maria to a hot, sunny and noisy place filled with busy street and people. They had landed on the sidewalk of a very busy street, the street had horses with carriages and rough road. When she looked at Maria, she started laughing because of the clothes she had on.

"What are you wearing?" Jen asked still laughing.

“Don’t make fun of me; you are wearing the same thing I'm wearing" Maria complained as she took a good look at what Jen was wearing.

     Jen looked down to see if Maria was lying, but she wasn't. Jen had in a very puffy green dress with white shoes that had little heels, the dress had a pocket at the front it that had money in it. But this wasn't the kind of money she was used to, these where coins that had different sizes, Maria was wearing the same thing too.

    The girls and ladies had the same dress she had on just with a different color and the men had on pants that were up to their knees with stockings beneath it, buckle shoes and a suit on.

“How can they were this stuff when it’s so hot outside?" Jen asked.

“I don't know, they got use to it I guess. We need to get this mission over with as soon as possible so that I can get out of this place" Maria replied.

  Jen nodded with agreement, she wasn't so crazy about this place.

"What do we do first?" Jen asked with a confuse voice.

"I don't know Jen, I as confused as you are. Maybe we should find George Washington first" Maria contributed.

“How do we do that?" Jen asked still confused.

Danielle hadn't really told them what they were suppose to do when they got here, this wasn't starting out really well. Jen could tell that Maria was just as confused as she was, that didn't make things better. Jen had always thought of Maria as the smart one, she always knew what to do. Jen could ask her almost anything and Maria would know the answer. Now Maria didn't know what to do and neither did Jen.

"Okay, let's ask someone around here, maybe they would know who he is and if they don't then we....... think of another thing" Jen suggested.

“Okay, I hope this works. Let's ask the woman over there" Maria said as she pointed to a woman that was standing talking to another woman.

The woman had a red puffy dress with white shoes, she had a basket in her hand that had cheese, bread and milk.

"Excuse me, madam" Jen said as they walked up to the woman. “Can you help us with something?"

She looked down at them and smiled friendly.

" How can I help you girls?" She asked them in a very high pitched voice.

“We are looking for someone, do you think you can help us find him?" Maria asked.

The woman thought for a second before saying “Well, I know a good amount of people that live here. Who do you need help finding?" She replied

"We need to find a boy named George Washington" Jen said hopefully, praying that the woman know who he was.

“Well, almost everyone who lives here knows George Washington" the woman answer.

Suddenly a boy appeared with behind us and said “Did I hear that someone was looking for me?" the boy said.

He had brown eyes and was wearing a red suit with black pants and black buckled suit.

Looking for him? Jen thought. We are looking for George Washington not this random stranger. Wait hold on now!

"You're George Washington, aren't you?" Jen thought out loud

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