Chapter 2

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Hey guys, hope you like it so far. Im trying really hard to prevent any mistakes, if any confusion just comment. Please Vote.....Comment.....Like. Thxs ;*

Chapter 2: The new boy

As the new boy approached, Jen surveyed his look, he had blond hair that came up to his eyebrows and blue eyes. He was wearing a light blue T-shirt that was so properly that there was no single wrinkle and skinny black pants with blue and black Jordan’s sneakers. Well at least he has a good sense of fashion, Jen thought.

“Hi I’m Jake, you must be Jen and Maria?” He asked

“Yes, I’m Jen and this is my best friend Maria” she said shaking his outstretched hand.  

“So as you know I am new here and I have no friends so I was wondering if I could be friends with you guys that would be really nice”.

He took a deep breath and continued.

“I don’t really know how people become friends here so I wanted to invite you guys to my house so that we would hang out tomorrow after school”. He said

    This was really weird, first Jake was inviting them to his house even though he didn’t know them and also he sounded as if he was reciting something he wrote down. Jen was about to say no that they had plans for tomorrow after school because this was really creepy. But before she could open her mouth to talk Maria said,

“Of course we would love to come” Maria exclaimed.

What is she doing, she doesn’t even know this guy! Jen thought. She tried to catch her eye but Maria refused to look at her.

“By the way” Maria continued “Is not like we have anything good for tomorrow after school anyways” she added sweetly. She didn’t have to ask where he lived because everyone always know where each other lived since it was a very small town.

“Great, see you tomorrow after school” he replied as he headed back to his table in the corner.

“Well, that went well” Maria said after he left. Jen glared at her.

“What's wrong?” Maria asked.

"What's wrong?” Jen asked. “A person that we don’t know just invited us to his house and you said yes. That’s what's wrong!” Jen said in a loud voice.

“Oh come on Jen. He is just a new kid trying to make some new friends and look at him. He’s harmless, I bet he wouldn’t even hurt a fly” Maria said.

“Haven’t you heard the phrase ‘Don’t judge a book by looking at its cover?” Jen said. “And that boy----”

“You mean Jake” Maria interrupted.

“Yeah, that guy. Didn’t you notice some strange thing like he knew our name before we even told him”? Jen said,

“Well maybe someone told him” Maria defended him.

“And also he sounded like it was something he memorized”. Jen continued.

“Well maybe he did because he was scared that he wouldn’t know what to say”. Maria pointed out.

Jen finally gave in and said ok that they would go tomorrow.

“I don’t see why you were arguing anyway, we were going to go whether you liked it or not”. Maria said.

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