Chapter 8

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yeah, I put two chapters at once in the other part. Well dont forget to Vote....Comment.....Like. Thxs:)

Chapter 8: Meeting George Washington

The boy beamed and nodded with amusement and excitement.

“And you are?" George asked.

“Jen and Maria, it’s so nice to finally meet you." Maria said with enthusiasm.

"Well, why are you looking for me Jen and Maria?” he asked them still staring at them with amusement and curiosity.

"We've come a very, very long way to see you." Maria said

"I see, I never knew I was that popular that people coming from far places will want to see me" he said teasingly

“Yes, you would not believe how popular you are" Jen added.

"Ok, so what's so urgent that you would travel for a far place to see me" he asked curiously.

Jen looked around and noticed that the woman that they were talking to was gone already.

" Umm......" Maria stammered.

They couldn't tell him that they were for the future and had to get a lesson and a ring fro hi. I. Order to save the future. He will just think they are crazy.

“We were lost and we heard that a person named George Washington will provide us with shelter till we were able to find our back home. We've come from a very far place and we are weary, lost and tired. Please just give us a place to stay before we find our way home” Maria pleaded with him.

"Um, I don't know about this...but it seems like you guys are really lost and tired so maybe you can come to my plantation so that we can chat" George said uncertainly.

Maria and Jen sighed with relief, at least they have made progress. The sooner they get the lesson and the ring the sooner they will be able to go back home.

They walk to George Washington plantation, it was huge. George's plantation was the color brown and white with grass and tree surrounding it and a fence.

"Wow, this plantation is amazing" Jen exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's too bad it’s always empty with only me living in it" George replied bitterly.

"What about your mom, dad and siblings? Don't they live with you?" Jen asked confused.

Jen yelped as Maria elbowed her at her side. She turned to Maria to ask her why she just did that.

“My mother died when he was very young, my dad and his brother are barely home so I’m usually left alone” George said sadly.

Oh,that why she elbowed me Jen thought as they walk towards the house. George could feel the silence building up because he added.

“ On the bright side, I’m alone so I can do what I want and right now you guys will be here till you can find your way back home so  it won't be so silent for a while” he said trying to lighten up.

This is good, he let us into his home and he is telling us personal things. We are making a lot of progress, very soon we will be going back home Jen thought to herself.

“Well don't you have a friend that comes and visit you?” Maria asked

She was always thinking ahead and by the look on her face, Jen could tell she was thinking the same thing Maria was thinking.

“Not really, I don't really have any friends these days" he shrugged.

     Jen was speechless, she sometimes felt lonely because it was only her and Maria. Sometimes she use to wonder how it's like having more than one best friend. It's not like she didn't have any friends but she wasn't close with the other friends like she was with Maria. But George was worst, he didn't have any friends, his mom died and his father and mother were barely ever home.

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