Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Down to earth Jen

    Jen stared at the new boy, who sat at the table farthest away from the rest of them alone. His head was buried in a book that was turned upside down, he looked really lonely, Jen felt really sorry for him.

She remembered how it was being a new kid, knowing nobody or how the place worked. After all, this was her second year at Lincoln Bay High School and she too, had went through the “New School’s First Day Experience”.

On her 1st week, Jen was lonely and didn’t have any friends, even sometimes she was late for class because she didn’t know where which class was located. She could still remember how humiliating it had been when she would walk in right in the middle of the teacher giving direction and everyone staring at her.

Jen had felt miserable after the first week of school and she thought that she would be miserable for the rest of the year.

But then she met Maria and everything turned around for better. Maria was one of the main reasons she wanted to come to school everyday.

“Jen”, “Jen, down to earth, Jen wake up”. Maria said.

“What? What?” Jen stammered. “Did you say something?” Jen asked.

“Where you even listening to one thing I said?” Maria asked.

“Can you please repeat it?” Jen said sweetly. “I couldn’t catch all the words,” Jen said.

Maria just simply rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and started talking in high speed. The way she always talks when she’s talking about her favorite subject, History.

“Did you know that George Washington was born in February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia? Interesting fact is George Washington never actually had any friends……"

Jen stop listening and glared at Maria, sometimes she wondered how their friendship even survived this long, they had nothing in common. Yeah, they look the same with their brown hair, light brown eyes and oval face but their interest were so different.

Jen loved fashion, learning the newest fashion but Maria loved history which Jen found really boring. Like who wants to learn how a bunch of people who made The Declaration of Independence or that they didn't have Air Conditioner and phone, its good thing she didn’t have to live in the olden days. She couldn't live one day without her phone, how do they even communicate in the olden days and the fashion then was not very pleasant, jeans weren’t even made yet! The olden day is not a place she wants to live in.

“Jen?, Jen? This is the second time that you’ve been day dreaming today”. Maria exclaimed

“What?” Jen asked, finally coming back to reality.

“You weren't listening again? Well since you don’t want to listen to me maybe you should talk”. Maria said with sadness in her voice.

    Jen felt really guilty, Maria was her best friend and she should be listening to her. Even though she didn’t like History she should at least listen to her when she talks about it. After all, Maria doesn’t really care about fashion but she always listens when Jen talks to her about it and was never rude.

Why couldn’t she just listen to Maria and pretend to be interested?  

“No, you can keep on talking about George Washington. You know I find it really interesting that he never had any friends”. Jen said referring to the words she had manage to capture when Maria was talking before.

Maria looked at her friend like she’s gone crazy.

“Really?” Maria asked both suspicious, surprised and sweetly.

“Yeah!” Jen lied. She hated lying to her friends but she didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

“Ok, where was I anyway?” Maria asked.

But Jen was staring at something else.

“Seriously Jen something is wrong with you today. This is the third time in a row you’ve been daydreaming today!” Maria exclaimed.

“No” Jen said.

“What do you mean no? You were just staring up at space right now for the third time”. Maria, it was cleared she was irritated.

“No, that’s not it” Jen said impatiently. “Look, the new boy is coming over to our table”.

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