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Congratulation girls, you have saved the world, Jen held a voice say to them. She looked at where the voice was coming from and saw Danielle smiling at them.

“How do you know we were suppose to have and that we succeeded?” Maria asked.

“Because you came back, George wouldn't have given you the device back if you didn't get the things that would save the world” Danielle replied.

“Did it work?” Maria asked.

As if a clue, they heard the TV.

“As you can see all the volcanoes and hurricane have stopped suddenly. Its like a miracle, they all died out at once” the reporter said.

“What do you think?” Danielle asked.

“Can we go home now?” Jen asked anxiously.

“Yes, you may leave now. Don’t worry about seeing Jake in school anymore, he won't be coming back now that his mission is complete.” Danielle said.

“Do you need the things that George gave us?” Maria asked.

“No you keep it. That will remind you of the time when you had a day with George Washington and when you saved the world” Danielle replied.

“Thanks, bye Danielle” Maria and Jen said as they exited the house.

“Goodbye girls” she replied.

As the two girls walked back to Jen’s house, Maria asked “How did the lesson and rings save the world?”

Jen shrugged “Some things are better of a mystery” she said quoting the famous George Washington.

                            The End

Well, thats the end of this book. Hope u luved it. I need to hand this in like later, hope I get an A on it. Please Vote... Comment....Like. Luv u all. Bye. Check out my other books, The time Machine, Friendship from distance and A Snowy Day.

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