The Plan

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"Is everyone here?" I asked the generals looking at the line. I counted them off in my head.


I thought of who was missing. I sighed as the man with green headphones ran up to take his place.

"Goddammit Ty..." I sighed to myself.

"Now that everyone is here, we have some things to discuss," I told my generals as I pointed to the large map of America on the bulletin board.

"The hybrids are gathered here," I said pointing to the tip of Florida, "But we don't know exactly where. Our base is here, incase you didn't know yet," I pointed to a point where New York borders Canada and Lake Ontario. "We will need a team to go find them. Dakota and Quentin, you will go find the base. Bring a recruit each with you."

"Yes commander," they both said in unison. It bugged me when people treated me so highly. Especially my closest friends. I didn't have time to talk about this now.

"Very well. Report back to us when you find it. If you can't, I'll send Jason as an arial view. Clear?" I stated looking at Kermit, The Fish then The Astronaut. Sometimes I call them by their YouTube names but not usually. I almost never joke around anymore. God how I missed being myself but I feel like if I broke, even for an instance, we could lose everything. It's a lot of pressure on a 23-year-old, leading the resistance.

"Clear," everyone responded. Unison. Again with the unison. I dismissed everyone and watched them leave. I rubbed my temples with two fingers.

"Tyler," I directed as the black haired man started to leave. I watched as he winced at my calling.

"Yes commander?" He questioned as he turned, facing me with a false smile.

"Why were you late today?" I asked him.

"There was a misunderstanding between two recruits and I-" he started but I cut him off.

"Look Ty. Enough with all of this formal crap. Just cut to the point," I sighed.

"Two people were fighting with each other and I tried to make them stop. It took a while. People are getting impatient, Adam. They want to fight," he told me. I sighed again.

"Their just going to have to wait," I said and then I dismissed him. Before leaving, he stopped as if to say something, but changed his mind and left.


I walked slowly back to my bunk that I shared with Ty, kicking at some stones on the dirt pathway, when a recruit ran up to me.

"S-Sky?" She asked. She only looked about thirteen. So young to be a soldier...

"Yes?" I asked.

"Oh my god... Okay I know that you are a commander and that you have other things to do with your life than talk to me but I just wanted to say..." She said, "Thank you so much! I watched your YouTube videos and they always made me so happy. I don't have a family and that's why I came here. To help win this war. Thanks for giving me hope...Adam..."

I bent down to her size.

"Thank you, young recruit," I told her, but then shook off the professional crap.

"Hey what's your name?" I asked.

"K-Kayley..." She said with a smile. I smiled back at her.

"Well Kayley," I said. "I would like to give you something."

"Give me something?" She questioned.

"Yes. Here," I handed her a purple stone. An amethyst. She held it in her palm for a few moments dazzled by it, then closed her fingers around it. Then she came forward and hugged me.

"This," she said. "Is the best day of my life." To think I had this effect on people, just with my videos?

"If only we didn't have to meet this way..." I whispered and she nodded her head.

"At least it wasn't squids!" She giggled as she released me. I laughed back.

"Okay well I need to be leaving now," she said. "It was fun meeting you, commander."

"You can call me Adam," I said with a smile, "And it was fun meeting you too. Now, go on." Kayley gave me one last smile and then skipped off. I sighed. Why do such young kids come here? Why does anyone come here? She's a brave one, just like the others...

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