Reunion: Sarah's Point of View

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I walked back into my bunker to a familiar sight. My fellow sorcerer was too busy messing around with spells and potions that he didn't even notice me walk in.

"Setooooo..." I dragged out his name. He shot around and faced me with a smile.

"Sarah! You're back!" he ran up to me and caught me in a warm embrace. I gave a small laugh.

"I guess you didn't miss me at all did you?" I said sarcastically. He pulled back and stared at my pouting face.

"Don't you love me?" I said and he smiled.

"Course I do..." he sighed and lifted my chin. It took everything I had not to smile. We both leaned in and met in the center, lips colliding.

God how I had missed him...

It was a short and sweet kiss and I wished it could have lasted longer, but I still had my Seto.

"Can you help me figure something out?" He asked when we pulled away.

"What is it?" I sighed. Seto rarely ever needed help with magic...

"I need help creating a potion," he told me, "A few actually... poison, weakness, slowness..."

I just sighed.

"Don't you know how to make those?" I questioned and he looked down sheepishly.

"I forget..." he said and I rolled my eyes. I doubted it but went over to the brewing stands anyways. There were a mix of ingredients that we would need: fermented spider eyes, redstone, gunpowder, blaze rods...

I started mixing various ingredients, grinding them into powder and sifting them into a glass vile filled with a simple awkward potion. I placed the three potions onto the brewing stand and turned back to Seto, who was leaning over me.

"I'm done," I sighed, "Can I go to sleep now? I have been walking for three days and I'm tired." He shook his head.

"Fine," he stated and let me by. I walked pass him, kissing him swiftly on the cheek as I did. He smiled and I walked over to my small room, laying down on the mattress. Soon I felt my eyelids get droopy and I surrendered into sleep. 

Seto sat on the small couch in the center of the room. He was starting to get bored so he decided to open his spell book. it appeared out of thin air and he opened it up to a random page.

       Shape Shifting:

       The art of changing shape begins with two forms: living and nonliving. To change into a living being, you must do any of the following:

a.) carry a piece of that being

b.) be in contact with the being

c.) concentrate your thoughts on only that being

a or b are the recommended choices. C may be difficult to use because it is unpredictable...

Seto continued reading on, even though he had read through the book about a million times. He finished the section and started to lull in and out of consciousness. When he realized this, Seto got up from the couch and made his was to the small room on the right hand side; his room. He opened the door and flopped on the bed, passing out almost instantly.

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