New York City

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The skyline of New York City had come into view a few hours ago, only making your escape even more real. The fact that your parents probably wouldn't want you back after this, nearly brought you to tears. No, you were 17 after all, and will be 18 in a couple months. Practically an adult! You could do whatever you wanted.

Of course, the fact that Mindie had broken her leg several miles out had limited your 'adult abilities'. It broke your heart that you were forced to leave her there, but you couldnt very well carry her here. When you had look through the money you swiped from your mother's purse, it was a handful of 20's instead of hundreds also downsized your options.

"Excuse me miss?" A beautiful young voice asked.

"Huh?" Looking up, you made eye contact with possibly the cutest boy you'd ever seen. His freckles covered most of his face and his curly hair was just so, floofy. "O-oh, um, hi-hello, is there a problem?" Curse your stutter.

"Oh, no, I was just wondering if you were okay. You're sleeping on a bench so I thought..." He was caught off guard by you question as he stuttered and a blush rose up his cheeks, much like you did, but was able to hide it.

"Ah," You responded, forgetting where you were for a second. "No I was just having a nap here. I'm quite fine. Thank you though Mister...?"

"Philip. Philip Hamilton," he answered as he placed a kiss on your knuckles. "You've probably heard of my father from him," he said as he pointed to a man on the sidewalk wearing what looked to be purple curtains.

"No I haven't, but tha-"

"Oh you haven't? Well good because he," Philip motioned towards curtains, "is a lier. Don't listen to him." The hatred he spoke of that man with, I wouldn't be suprized if he tried to fight him. The way his nose scrunched up like he smelled something when he was angry was so adorable.

What are you doing (y/n)? You just met him. Sure he is unbelievably cute, but he's probably told that everyday-

"I don't think I caught your name," Philip's voice interupted your thoughts.

"Oh right," You almost hit your head with how stupid you were. "The name's (y/n). (Y/n) (l/n)."

"(L/n)? Isn't that the rich family up in Yorktown?" ...Oh shit.

"Is it? I never knew. Huh. What a interesting coicidence."

Annnd, facepalm.

"Anyway, nice meeting you! See you around!" Philip yelled as he ran off. Gosh darn he was cute. What am I doing.


Looking down the aisles, you decided to get whole wheat instead of white bread. It was healthier and cheaper, so why not?

You had developed a habit of eavesdropping over these past few days. Not for any reason in particular, it was just something to do. Anywho, as you were listening throughout the store, you heard a voice that has been imprinted in your mind since the day you arrived.

"Pops, can we pleeeease get cookie batter? Ma can bake it for us!"

Another voice answered. He sounded full of authority to say the least, and definetly a know-it-all.

"Philip, we got cookies last week,"

"I know, but Ma's cookies are so good!" When you realized they were going to turn down this aisle, you busied yourself with the ingredients in your bagels.

"(Y/n)? It that you?" A flush crept it's way up your neck.

"Hey Philip!" Play it cool play it cool play it cool. He's cool, you're cool, aren't we all cool, It's like a freaking ice cube all up in here.

"Is this the girl you were telling me about?" Looking like he wanted to say more.

"Daaaaaadd..." Philip whined, colour rising up his face. I was sure the same was happening to me. His father nudged him, with a look full of purpose.

"Uhm, so I was wondering, could I get your address?" His eyes widened when he realized what he said. "I meant so I could send you letters and stuff," he corrected.

You both froze, but for different reasons. You were sure he was just nervous, while you still didn't have an apartment for him to send letters to. You'd got a job yesterday at the garbage dump, but it isn't nearly enough money to pay rent yet. Now how were you going to tell him this?

"I - I, uhh," you stuttered out.

His face drooped, "If you don't want to that's oka-"

"No! I - it's not that," You couldn't see him like that, but at the same time, how were you supposed to tell him you were homeless?

"...You're.... homeless?" Ah shit did you say that out loud? His father looked equally as suprized with this turn of events.

You didn't know what else to say other than make a very bad attempt at denial.

"But I saw you had loads of money in your bag?" Philip asked, trying to understand.

"That's the only money I have."

"Then you'll stay with us! I'm sure ma would love you!" You were shocked at his outburst. You still didn't know a lot about city life, but most people you met were barely nice enough to toss the homeless girl a dollar, much less invite them into their house.

With a grin, you wrapped your skinny arms around his lean frame in a tight hug. "Oh my god, thank you!" Quickly realizing what you did, you released him and took a step back.

Philips father, who had watched the exchange with something that looked very simaler to pride, tried to suppress his laughter. "Alrighty then," he stuck out his hand, "Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton." You took his hand like your father taught you and shook it firmly.

"(L/n). (Y/n) (l/n)."

Alexander's POV (a/n yes I did this)

Even though I had already heard her name from Philip, hearing it from the horses mouth was different. That name, (l/n), that was a very rich family from Yorktown. I had faint connections with them, but enough of one to learn that their 17 year old daughter had gone missing the night they left for South Carolina a week or so ago. Then (y/n) shows up.

Doesn't seem like a coisidence to me.

It was nice to see that Philip had a crush though. Most of the time, he was being adored by his classmates at King's.

Angelica was almost smothering her with questions happy to have a girl close to her age here. Eliza was more than genourus enough, making her famous chicken fingers for dinner.

(Y/n) was quiet for most of dinner, but started to open up when she got to know us a little better. I couldn't help but like her already. I wonder if she's good at insulting people?

So technically this is the first chapter, but theres gonna be a lot of small fillers so I don't know. Should I name all the chapters and fillers or name the fillers but call the chapters 'chapter 1'?

Sept // Philip Hamilton x Reader Where stories live. Discover now