Un Deux Trois

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"Okay so this is middle c"

"Why is it called middle c?"

"Because it in the middle of the piano,"

"No it can't be. A piano has 88 keys. There can't be a middle key"

"It's the closest to the middle out of all the c keys, okay?"

"I don't know, that one over there looks pretty close,"


Philip was trying to teach you piano. You already knew french to a degree (swearing), so piano was next on the list. You weren't that good at it dispite being able to pick most things up easly.

"Now play your c scale,"

"That's just the one where I start on c, right?"


You hummed the little trick Philip taught you for doing your scales to the melody of the keys - 'two full steps and a half, three full steps and a half'. You played it pretty well. Except for the fact that it was your seventh time doing it today. "Good. Now try to play 'un deux trois'."

"Only if you sing with me." He groaned.

"Fine. If it'll make you happy," you began to play, Philip playing his made up harmony part an octave higher while you played the acual song.

"Un deux trois quarte cinq six sept-" on seven you hit the wrong note, but picked it back up and kept playing. "-Huit neuf"

"Six sept huit neuf," Philips voice was beautiful and the only reason you agreed to learn piano.

"Good." He said. You replayed that section again with Philips harmony quietly giving the song dimension.

"Sept huit neuf," You sang correctly.
"Sept huit neuf," Philip sang in harmony.

You kept at it until you finished the song for the first time through without messing up. Philip's grin was so big it nearly split his face. Picking you up, he spun you in a circle peppering you with kisses. You let out a tiny squeal of embarrassment and giggled.

"Je t'aime, Philip," you said, touching your forehead and nose to his.

"Je t'aime aussi, (y/n)."

This was just a short filler chapter to try and get rid of my writers block. Like, I know hOW I WANT IT TO END BUT NOT HOW IT LEADS UP HALP.

Also the problem with (y/n) being the kid of a rich family that Alex knows about isn't solved yet... any ideas?

Also, I update too much. At this rate the story will be done in like a month lol

Also, I say also a lot if you hadn't noticed

Sept // Philip Hamilton x Reader Where stories live. Discover now