Weird Sisters and Weird Circumstances

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Helia's POV
            The two words I ever wanted to hear from her.

    Artemis falls away from me and whispers, "I remember."

           I grin, and feel my eyes tear up in happiness. Leaning forward, I grab my beloved's hand.

    Her hand shoots back, as though severely burned. My heart shatters all over again, and I whisper, "What did I do wrong?"

        She says to me, "I am sorry. I have my memories back, but I don't have my emotions back. I don't feel the tingles yet. I remember them, but I can't feel them. I'm sorry. I don't want you to get attached to broken goods. I'm sorry."

     I hear my love sobbing, and then hear her get off of bed. She opens the door, lets out one more heart wrenching sob, and walks out.

          My feelings follow her, to wherever that may be. My feelings and heart will always follow her. My damn sightless eyes! If only I could see her, maybe this would've been different!

            I scream and yell at myself. "Why couldn't you have sight?! Maybe that would've fixed everything! But, no! You had to be taken by that fucking Aerther! Ugh! Why are you so stupid! She doesn't love you anymore!"

       My heart completely shatters, and I fall to the ground. My heart feels as though it's been taken from my chest, cut up, and smashed. Then put back into my body. My face hits the floor, and my tears cover the floor in little pools. Little pools of salt. Little oceans. That never will have sailors within them. Never have dolphins. Never have life. Just despair.

      I scream in pain again, and lightning cracks loudly outside my window. More tears flow and rain pounds mercilessly against the window. My heart feels as though it stops beating, and the storm becomes more intense. Olympus feels as though it is going to drown. We are all going to drown, because I have a beaten heart. Why am I so stupid?!

          The rain comes down harder, and my door bursts open.

            "Helia!" My best friend yells my name, but it sounds echoey and far away. "Helia! Calm down! Remember our exercise! Breath!"

       Her voice falls even farther away as a large crack of lightning sounds as my heart cracks more. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I jump away from it. Yelling I tell them, "Don't touch me!" At those words, the window shatters and water comes flowing in. Daphne screams in fright, and I hear more people enter the room.

         "Helia!" My tears dry and the storms calm down. Turning my head towards the voice, it says again, "Its me. Artemis. I remember. Fully now. How good the tingles feel. I have my tingles." My face scrunches up, not believing a word she says.

         Artemis comes closer to me, grabs my hand softly, and kisses me. I moan in content, and she opens her mouth

       "Get a room!" We part our mouths and turn to Daphne. My love sassily says, "This is our room. Why don't you get a room?" She scoffs and says, "Maybe I will. Bye Helia. I'm off to see Amphi." I wave as I hear my friend exit, giggling softly.

            Sighing I fall into Art's chest. She begins to play with my hair and whispers to me, "I am so sorry Heli. I shouldn't have said that. This is all my fault. I just love you so much, and I couldn't bare to lie to you. That is not an excuse, it is the truth. I am very sorry for making you so upset. I never wanted to make you upset. I always wanted to protect you. Seems like I failed in both those aspects."

     I slap her chest and say, "You do not say that! You have never failed me! It's your damned father who failed me! Like, geez! Is it really that hard to have better security around here?! Ugh!
You have done nothing wrong! Do not ever think that! Got me?!"

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