TN | Disappointed - 11

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    Pop! The popping sound of the champagne bottle opening pulled a surprised gasp out of Rosè as the others laughed

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Pop! The popping sound of the champagne bottle opening pulled a surprised gasp out of Rosè as the others laughed. Noelle, Zaida, and Royale were all sat around in Rosè's living room as Rosè poured Merlot in everybody's champagne glasses.

"To new beginnings!" Royale said, lifting her glass before sipping it– Rosè and the others following her lead. "Damn, this good."

"For real, I am so proud of you." Noelle said, smiling as she shimmied in her seat.

"And you get a great promotion and an even better pay raise, yassss!" Rosè said, excitedly.

"Okay but where is the food– okay." Zaida sipped the champagne with her face turned up.

Rosè couldn't help but laugh. "I had to get you out here some way."

Noelle and Royale laughed but Zaida looked dead serious as she grabbed her purse, threw on her shades and got up. "Congrats, I love you. Bye." She said quickly as she started heading out.

Noelle shook her head through laughter. "I'll take you home, it's late. Love you, Rosè babes. I'll see you tomorrow."

Rosè waved her off and gave Royale a serious look. "You spending a night?" She asked.

Royale nodded, pulling shoes off. "You know it." She told her as she lunged her legs over on the couch.

Rosè got up from the loveseat across from her, grabbed the champagne bottle and took it to the kitchen. Afterwards, she walked up the steps and went into her hallway closet to grab an extra cover and pillow. She never knew who was staying and who wasn't so she always kept extras of everything.

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