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     Rosè and Kai walked back to the table just in the middle of Amora's conversation with Gregory

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     Rosè and Kai walked back to the table just in the middle of Amora's conversation with Gregory. Rosè smirked at her sister as she stood at the table in front of them. Kai appeared calmer and Amora was obviously satisfied with her new company.

"This is Gregory, he is the owner of this restaurant." Amora stated, smiling a little more than she should have been. "We were just.. chatting."

"Yeah, I was keeping her company until–"

"No need to explain yourself." Rosè said, putting her hand up to stop them for over-sharing. "I'm Rosè, Christian recommended this place to me."

"Yeah, he told me you'd be here." Gregory said before standing and allowing Kaivar and Rosè to sit. "He's a good friend and spoke highly of you. You don't do his words justice in the beauty department."

Kai's face seemed blank and unmoved when Amora looked for a reaction. "Isn't she?" Kai asked, putting his arm around the small of her back a little possesively.

"Yes and I see it runs in the family." Gregory said before turning to Amora and sending her a wink. "Well you have my number, I look forward to hearing from you."

"You sure will." Amora mumbled lowly as Gregory began walking away.

"Oop, you getting numbers?" Rosè joked, tapping her finger against her lip. "What about Raymun?"

"Ray who?" Amora shot back, snickering to herself.

"Say no more. Let's eat."


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       Cardi looked at Syrah with a stern, irritated face

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Cardi looked at Syrah with a stern, irritated face. Syrah was playing a very dangerous game and it was one that Cardi wasn't about to take from some new breed. She wanted her to pay and now.

They had Syrah tied up in an abandoned liquor store in a supply closet. Majority of the neighborhood was deserted so this was a place Cardi brought people often when she want them handled.

"Cut her." Cardi instructed as Dyme paced around her with a knife. "Right in that pretty little face."

Dyme stood in front of the shaking Syrah as she looked at her with pleading eyes. Dyme looked emotionless as she stared her right in the face. "Fast or slow?" Dyme asked.

Cardi was quiet for a while as she tried to think which would be more satisfying for her to watch. If anyone knew Cardi, she was a sick, fucked up bitch. She enjoyed torturing people that betrayed her and watching them scream. It was rumored that Cardi killed her ex boyfriend by stuffing his hand in a blender until he had nothing but a nub for a hand. They also said she laughed the whole time.

"Slow. Drag it across her face for all the time she made me waste." Cardi announced, smiling.

Syrah was tied up and taped at the mouth as tears leaked from her eyes, watching as Dyme pressed the knife into the far end of her left cheek. She pressed so hard Syrah started to scream a muffle cry under the tape as blood leaked under the knife. Dyme dragged it slowly across her face, creating a deep cut revealing her flesh from the left, across her nose, and to the right. Once the line was complete, Syrah's screams got louder and blood gushed out the cut like red water.

Cardi laughed with satisfaction. "You feel that, bitch? That's you playing with my money. Now, this is for you playing with me." She said, pointing at Dyme. "Get the pliers."

Dyme grabbed the pliers and smacked Syrah dead in the face with it. Syrah's head fell back as the impact smashed into her mouth and nose. Cardi laughed as Syrah sobbed hysterically.

"Pleaseeee.. please!" Syrah muffled under the tape in sobs as her nose and mouth bleed.

Cardi couldn't stop laughing. "Hit that bitch again!" She said through laughter.

Syrah heard her jaw break as Dyme sent the pliers crashing into cheek. Under the tape, Syrah was choking on her own blood, coughing and sneezing out what she could. Dyme then sent the plier into her leg and watched her bone pop.

Tears flooded from Syrah's eyes as she felt herself losing consciousness.

Cardi held her stomach as she laughed. "Okay, okay. I'm about to end this bitch misery." She said as she stood. "This is why ya momma should have taught you to stay out grown folks business."

She aimed a pistol straight at her head as her eyes closed and nose dripped blood. Bang!

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