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I galloped at high speed, moving through the streets in hot pursuit of the con. Bee was having a difficult time keeping up dew to the many others also in the street. "Wanna lift?" I asked slowing and running next to him. "Definatly," he said transforming and climbing onto my back. I moved at higher speed not needing to wait for Bee. A car was speeding in our direction, I lept sideways rebounding off the building and landing back on the road. The con was insight, Bee got the a pair of stasis cuffs out. I lept forward and snagged the con.

Tumbling a little but not releasing my prey. I eventually sat up, the con was is a crumbled heap. Bee was trotting over as he had ejected further back to avoid being crushed. He cuffed the decepticon before turning to me. "That has defiantly has been one of our more interesting games of fetch." I said smiling. "Absolutely," he replied using his semi new voice box. I had always heard him similar to this as the way he spoke before was surprisingly similar in base words to the predacon language.

The other cops eventually cought up with us. We were always way ahead, not being limited to the road. "You two are rouges." One of them rumbled. I lowered my head a little, not many Autobots had accepted me. I was still a beast, it didn't matter if I helped restore cybertron I was still a Predacon. Bee patted my shoulder, "I'm willing to bet we can beat them back to dispatch," he said trying to lift my spirits. I nodded, he climbed onto my back and I took off.

I soared among the tops of cybertronian skyscrapers. I had never really liked the fact that there were that many buildings. To me there almost seemed hardly enough room to move. I gained more altitude and went above the skyscrapers. The road was pretty well populated with cybertronians driving this way and that. Our home was restored, but I felt more like an alien than ever before. In the eyes of most cybertronians I was still a beast, and I would never become anything more.

I landed infront of the dispatch building and Bee slid off my back. My mood hadn't changed. We entered the building, our entrance didn't trigger any comments like it usually did. However that was most likely due to the commander's presents. We returned to Bee's work station, I layed down next to him as he worked on his report. I needed to find something else to occupy my time, this job let us get in on the action but little else. I spent the rest of the shift waiting to leave.

Finally Bee tapped my back, "You awake?" He asked standing. "Yep," I replied opening my optics and standing as well. "Ready to leave?" He said, "Primus, I though you'd never ask!" I said heading for the door. As soon as we were out I headed straight for the wild lands of cybertron.

My pack had taken up residence here as it was one of the few places we truly felt at home. I landed infront of the pack excited to my friends. They seemed to be equily as exhilarated at my return. I was first taken down by Mudslide and Onyx, those two had become basicly brothers. "Your shift feels like it's getting longer and longer." Mudslide complained. I shoved them off, "Feels that way to me too buddy." I said before being greeted by the rest of the pack.

The rouge sparklings came over, Archer and Glacier came running over to me. They swiftly hid behind my leg. "What's up with you two?" I asked looking at them curious as to the cause of their actions. "Shhhh, she'll find us." Glacier said, "Shabina?" I asked, "Yes," they replied in unison. I chuckled, Shabina was an alpha female if ever I knew one. She came stalking by me tail flicking as if it were alive. "Have you seen the boys?" She asked in her predator voice. "No I haven't seen them," I said as I sat. She believed me and moved on, the two boys bolted in the opposite direction of the way she had gone. Dark Horse came and sat next to me, "Welcome back." He said. He was usually leader when I was out and today seemed like it had drained him of energy.

"Tough day?" I asked.
"Yep, Storm Watch and Outlaw were at it again and this wasn't such a timid fight as last time. It took me and four others just to separate them." He huffed.
"Good thing I have tomorrow off then." I said half sighing. I turned to leave but he stopped me, "What's wrong?" He asked.
"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong," I replied.
"Don't deny it I can see you're not happy." He said, and he was right.
"I'm falling into a routine and I hate it!" I barked this took him a little by surprise. "There is no excitement, no mystery or suspense any more. Don't get me wrong I'm happy we are all safe but I don't like living like a normal cybertronian." I said about finishing my rant.
"There is a very simple reason for that," He started.
"And what pray tell is that?" I asked.
"You're not a normal cybertronian."
I nodded, "Tell me about it." I muttered.


It's finally here! Sorry it took so long but I needed to figure out how to start this one. I'm hoping this sequel will do the first book justice.

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