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Dark Horse noticed Mud Slide off on his own and went over to sit down next to him. "Hey," mud slide commented mildly, "Um Mud slide, I need to speak with you." Dark said hesitantly. "Well I'm free at the moment, what did you need to tell me?" He asked peering up at the adult. Dark opened his mouth to speak but couldn't find the words, "I would like to tell you a story." He said finally deciding on a course. Mud Slide turned to the adult and tilted his head, "ok." He said wagging his tail just slightly. "It's about an alpha and her mate, also it is about their son. One day as the alpha was ruling her pack an evil predacon wanted her place over the pack. So he challenged and killed her, her mate tried to fight back but was not strong enough and as a result the new alpha stole his egg that was all he had left of his mate and raised it with a cruel hand. The old alpha's mate was forced to watch, as it was all he could do, as the evil alpha corrupted and scared the pack." Dark finished now looking at the ground. "That's a sad story, did the evil alpha get beat in the end?" Mud Slide asked looking at Dark. "Yes in the end he did, but you need to know that this story is not a made up one. It really happened. It is the story of me, my mate, and you." He said waiting for a responce. Both were silent as the message sunk in. "You're my..." Mud Slide started, Dark nodded. "Jaws beat the evil alpha." Mud Slide finished the story for himself, "So, I know this could take a long time to get used to but I wanted you to know." Dark said standing up and walking off.

Backlash was watching the edge of the territory diligently. They should have returned, why hadn't they. The day light was slipping away and gradually so was Backlash's hope. As the moon rose a figure appeared beneath it. "JAWS, BEE!" He roared excited, he noticed the figure was moving slowly with its head down. He trotted over worried. "Bee?" He asked noticing the half pred was alone, "Where's Jaws?" He asked gently now beside him. Bee couldn't speak at the moment, he just shook his head looking at the ground. Backlash felt as though he couldn't breath, "no, she couldn't have.." He started. "She did, the building went down and only Landslide walked away from it." Bee answered a slight edge to his voice, he clearly did not want to talk about it. "I see. Well let's find saw bones you are pretty banged up." He said, Bee nodded.

There was mourning through out the pack, Onyx and Dark Horse were the hardest hit by the news. Onyx chose to sit next to Bee as the pack was called to order. A few things had to be decided, what to do with the clones and who would be taking control of the pack now that the alpha was gone. There were a few who suggested that the clones should be sent off to live on their own but Backlash held his own opinion. He made it clear that the clones had no insticts, no knowhow. If sent off on their own they'd die. Was the pack prepaired to have innocent predacon clones on their conscience? In the end Backlash's way with words convinced the disapproves that the clones needed guidance before sending them off on their own could even be considered an option. Next came the conversation that most were dreading who should be the new alpha. Several names were thrown around, some of the more popular were: Dark Horse, Bee, Backlash, some even suggested Onyx. Bee made it clear he was not interested in leading the pack, which proved to be for the better as several did not like the idea of a half pred leading the pack. Dark Horse did not think he could take the place of alpha, he felt as though he had been partially responsible for the loss of his alpha and could not justify to himself taking her place. That left just Backlash and Onyx. Onyx had reached adolescence and therefore could hold the alpha position so long as one of the other pack members chose to watch out for him until he reached adult size. However Onyx wasn't to keen on it. He didn't see himself as a leader, he didn't want to take control, it wasn't his place especially with out Jaws. The only one who had not rejected the consept of alpha immediately was Backlash. He was a little uneasy with the thought though. He could step in for a time while the pack needed someone to make decisions but could he step up and take control for real? "I'm just not sure I'm the pred for the job." He said quietly as he thought aloud. Storm Chaser walked over to him, "then who do you think could serve as alpha?" She asked.  "I think Dark Horse would be the prime candidate." He said presenting his opinion, "I.. could try." Dark offered lamely. "I don't agree, " Iron Bolt said moving next to Storm Chaser, "We followed you here, not Dark, nothing against you dark but your not ready." Hack saw said joining the group who was forming near Storm Chaser. The clones joined the group making it even larger. Backlash watching in astonishment as the entirety of the pack collected behind him, including Dark Horse. "We've made our choice Backlash, will you accept it?" Storm Chaser asked, Backlash was silent for a moment. "Yes, if the pack believes me to be the best pred to lead them then I shall honor their choice." Backlash said. A wave of snarls howls and a few roars went across the pack as celebration of their choice.

The party, so to speak, was carried on through the night. It was not just in celebration of their new alpha but in honor of their old one and in excitement of the new pack members among them. Dawn was finally appearing on the horizon and only a few of the pack members were still awake. Bee being one of them. He was sitting along looking off at the sunrise through the fog of the morning. "Bee? Are you ok?" Backlash asked sitting down next to him, "I'm not sure." He responded, "Do you want to talk?" Backlash asked. "I guess, I just feel like I could have helped, or should have tried something! Maybe she would still be here if I had." He said looking down. "Maybe." Backlash offered, "but you could live your whole life in maybe, it would never get you anywhere. As cold as it may sound you do have to make peace with your choices and accept her passing." Backlash said sounding as if he spoke from experience. "Yeah, but I can't do that here, like this." Bee said standing looking at his predacon form, "If that is what you have decided I respect your choice," Backlash said nodding. "Good bye backlash." Bee said, "Good bye Bumblebee." Backlash responded. Bee was now just a figure on the horizon when Onyx noticed Backlash watching. "Were is Bee going!?" He asked running up next to backlash, "Where he likes." Backlash responded.   "But he can't just do that can he!?" Onyx nearly yelped, "He can do what he likes. He is an adult." Backlash responded. Onyx didn't have anything else to say, he only stood with Backlash and watched.


Sorry this book is shorter than the other but it served it's purpose hope you liked it. Get ready for the next part of the saga

Check out the next book:

Call For Freedom

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