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"We tried attacking them and they were ready for it. If we returned they could still be there or they could have moved again... " I said sitting and tapping my claws on the ground as I thought. It had been one and 1/2 days since we had gotten back and we didn't think it would be wise to immediately rush back out. It was bordering 12 at night and Bee had already dozed off. Dark was struggling to stay awake, and I was just bored. Saw bones wasn't going to let me rush out on a mission until he deemed me ready to go. And I surely wasn't going to send the pack without me. It's not that I didn't think they were capable. It was my responsibility to see to it that they came back. I couldn't do that if I wasn't there. Blackout wandered over to me and sat down. I saw Saw Back walking off plating bristled, I really didn't want to know. "So how's the strategy meeting going? " He asked. "About as well as could be expected," I muttered as an idea I had come up with earlier came back to me. "You were in the con ranks, what did you hear about what they have been working on? " I asked my tail flicking. "Well, they talked about predacons long before they met your little group." He said thinking out loud. "So they have been cloning preds for a while... Wait small group?" I asked not sure what he ment. "Well yeah, compared to the army they are soon to raise. " He said as if it were common knowledge. "Army!? " I barked standing and causing Dark Horse to snap to. "Well duh what other reason is there to clone predacons? " He asked not rattled or even effected by my actions. "Do you know were the cloning operation is?" I asked my spikes standing. "Well I'm a minicon who is regularly used to monitor conditions in the operation, so I think so. " He said dragging it out to make a point. "Well why didn't you lead with that!!! " I snarled tromping in the direction of the cave. Bee shot awake and Dark seemed a little uneasy.

We were so slagged, there is no way the pack could take on an army. My spikes stood in my frustration. "What's wrong?" Bee asked coming over. "We can't win." I said, "What makes you say that?" He asked, "Because we are not strong enough alone." I said feeling hopelessness set in. "Maybe, but maybe not." He said, "Either way we still need to do somthing." He said. "Yeah, sorry. I got off track." I said lifting my head and shaking off whatever I was just feeling. "We can't take a predacon army alone so.... we need to take them out before they can fight back!" I said choosing my plan. "What are you suggesting?" Dark asked approaching us. "We are going to storm their cloneing operation. Tonight." I said feeling a familiar rush begin to enter me. "Tonight? A predacon army?" Bee hadn't actually known why I felt so hopeless but it seemed that now he felt it was justified. "Yes, if we don't they will rise and dominate us." I said beginning to move to where the pack was lounging, "Hay! Listen up!" I barked in a commanding fashion. Immediately the whole pack turned their gaze on me, I took a breath and began to explain. "The enemy is raising an army. Now, it's not like we haven't encountered this before. We know what they are usually capable of. But we have never fought something on this scale before. There could be tens or there could be hundreds. Either way we need to try. We are going to take out their cloning operation." I said, this got a response. "I don't like it any more than you do, but we cannot do anything else. That would result in mass casualties. And I don't know about you but I don't want that on my conscience. Now who to whoever comes, this may very well be our end but I wouldn't rather die any other way. To defend a planet, to be the unsung hero. That is how I would prefer to go. I'm not demanding this of any of you, just like when we first met, I am asking you. Who will follow me?!" I roared. At first all was silent as what I said sunk in, but seconds later Backlash stood and his deep roar rang across our land. Soon all joined with him, the sound of hope filled the night air.

A mass, as one, united, together. We moved across the flat land. It was the whole pack, minus Hydroplane, Mudslide, Onyx, and the rouge sparklings. They were the next generation, this wasn't their fight just yet. The cool night air stormed my lungs. We slowed standing infront of the base, it was well camouflaged but Blackout's memory was better. It took two trys to knock the door in. We all entered prepaired for the fight of our lives. But the base was empty, until we reached the main room. There in all his rage was Landslide. "HOW?!" I howled not even able to address this in more than one word. "Well let me tell you, when a high standing decepticon approched me with the offer of a new pack at my command, transport back to cybertron, and another chance at the throat of my enemy, I only had one answer. Ansolutly. And that my dear Alpha, is how I stand before you and ready to take you out for good." He snarled charging us.

The two groups clashed like light and dark. Both sides unwilling to give any ground, but one had the perception to see one on one wasn't enough to secure victory. Landslide ran knowing defeat was at claw. I of course followed him to a room in which I though we where alone.

He snarled turning to me. Energon slid from his lip, he seemed to have gotten weaker or I was just that much stronger. He seemed desperate as he discovered I blocked the only exit to the room he was in. "What did you say before, I'm going to take you out for good? Yes, it seems I will. " I said moving towards him snarling. I thought I had it in the bag but he had one more trick. "You seem like you will end it but we know better." He almost laughed his concern disappearing. "What the frag are you talking about?" I asked not understanding or maybe not wanting to. "I know you won't end it, for you can't. We know why, don't we?" He snarled. I was getting nervous and less sure as I understood what he was getting at, "I am going to end you, period. Your logic is flawed." I said my pace towards him much slower. "You can't, wanna know why? Or do you remeber?" He responded now advancing toward me. My confidence was dwindling, "No I don't believe I do." I said trying to keep my cool. "For the same reason you didn't destroy me on cybertron when we fought, the reason you didn't terminate me when you won the pack, the very reason you will let me leave here alive." He was infront of me so close that I could feel his breath. My nerves got the better of my and I slammed into him pinning him on his back, but no fear surfaced in him. "Because he is still here." Landslide said at almost a whisper. At that I couldn't breath, there was no way he could speak the truth. I had no clue that Bee and Dark had followed me. The evil purple of his optics was slowly replaced with a rich sapphire blue that I had longed to see for eons. "Hay Alpha, it's been a while." I knew that voice, as playful, understanding, gentle, and childish as the day we met. I couldn't find words. "Alpha, you need-" he was cut off when the blue flashed to purple and Landslide knocked me off him with force I didn't know he had. Landslide made it out the door and ecaped with some of his troops. I turned, I almost fainted seeing Bee and Dark there. Witness to everything, there were no secrits now.

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