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I was running on a road smooth as glass, all around me was pitch black. I had no point of refrance, heck I had no clue if I was even moving. I was stuck unable to get away, locked in the void. I began to panic, an anchant instinct telling me this wasn't right that I needed to run for as long and far as I could. My actual form was fidgeting as I tried to find traction on the nonexistent glass. The stress overcame me and my optics shot open.

I was among some of the other predacons in the cave that our group shared. It was a calm setting and I soon returned to my normal mind set. I needed to clear my head. I stood and left the cave walking in the moonlight among the ruins that we had settled near.

A figure shot through the darkness, it was small. Definitely on four legs. I began to follow silently as I made my towards where I had seen it go. I reached a clearing but before I entered it I saw something that intrigued me. Cons. They were firing at a blue k9 like minicon, that must have been what I was following.

I didn't know the mini con but I didn't like cons this close to my territory. I growled and leapt out charging into one of the cons scaring the others into running off. I lifted my paw and let the one I had pinned run after the others. "Not much of a fight," I muttered a little disappointed. "Thank you ma'am," a strong male voice reguarded from behind me. "What? Oh, no problem." I answered back turning around and realizing the strong voice belonged to the mini con. "I am Saw Back, you are?" He asked, I noticed him checking my shoulder plating. "I'm an autobot," I said putting him at ease, "And my name is Jaws, nice to meet you Saw Back." I say nodding before turning to consider going back to the pack vs tracking the cons. "Um Ma'am?" He said following me, "Yes, Saw Back?" I said putting my nose to work as I decided to go after the cons, curious where they had run off to. "I don't mean to be a pain but those cons... I have been... tracking them! I know their scent I can help you, if you're planning to pursue them." He said having to jog in order to keep up with my fast walk. "You can tag along if you like," I said picking up the scent. I began to move quicker getting a little more excited. "Slow down please," he panted, I stopped. We had traveled far but me being the size that I was, I hadn't noticed. "Oh, sorry. Want a lift?" I asked stopping. "Yes, please." He said still panting a little. He transformed into a disk and attached to my wing. I picked up my normal pace and bolted in the direction that the scent headed.

I slid to a halt behind cover, covertly looking around it. There were several vehicons moving boxes and energon cubes. I deployed Saw Back, he landed next to me. "We have arrived," I whispered, he nodded and remained low next to me. What are they up to? I wondered. "Alright Saw Back, let's shred some cons." I growled before leading the charge.

I clashed with cons right and left while Saw Back continued to amaze me with how much crushing might was in his little form. Fewer and fewer ran at us, I calmed a little. "We might soon discover who's behind this little operation." I saed as we entered the building. We stayed low, hidden among the boxes filled with who knew what. I clawed one open, "Predacon bones?" I whispered confused, "What could they want with those?" We continued on to reach a clearing in about center of the warehouse. It was there I caught sight of someone I recognized.

"Lockdown." I growled quietly. "You know the con?" Saw Back asked, "Yeah wish I didn't. In addition to being a bounty hunter he is a part time big game hunter. To him, preds are big game." I explained leading Saw Back to a better vantage point, and possibly a good spot for an ambush.

We took opposite spots across the hall waiting for Lockdown to pass between us. I could see him so I started to tick off time on my talons. One I held up a claw, two I held up a second one, my form tenced as I prepaired to leap out. Three! We charged out and rammed dead on into Lockdown. But Unknown to us a pair of optics watched our attack, anylizing it.

Lockdown was propelled into a wall and slowly picked himself up. The vehicon he was talking to promptly ran off not wanting to face me or my little friend. "So Lockdown, what is going on here?" I growled, "I would love to tell you and further our game, but my employer would prefer I perused business before pleasure." He said before pulling out a sinister looking gun. I reacted immediately throwing Saw Back out of the way of the shot and managing to barely miss it myself. He tapped his com and requested back up to his location.

It took hardly two seconds for two large predacons to be at his side both around the size of Predaking. I leapt up from my slightly disoriented state to lock horns with one, "So predacon, you could stay here and play with these two. Or you could leave before you are over run." Lockdown delivered his ultimatum.

I growled throwing one of them off and then launching him into his partner with a blow from my tail. As much as I hated it, Lockdown was right, I couldn't take on three more of these things alone and confined in a building barely large enough for me to stand up in. I spread my wing summoning Saw Back. He quickly transformed and was secure on my wing. I ran for the door, alarms blaring in my audio reseptors. I plowed through a shut door before heading away from the building.

I make sure there was plenty of distance between me and the warehouse before deploying Saw Back. The small wolf like minicon looked up at me. I nodded to the south, "There is a city a few clicks south of here, if you start walking now you'll make it by sun up. Thanks for helping me out." I said smiling a bit before turning in the direction of my pack. "Ma'am wait," he said pawing at my back foot. I turned back to him, "Can I... come with you?" He asked. I tilted my head, "You want to come with me?" I asked. "And if you'd allow it, I'd prefer to deploy from you." He said glancing down, "Again me?" I asked not understanding his choice.

I along with my pack were outcasts in this modern world, why would this promising little dog want to pair with me? "I liked fighting beside you, and I have no where to go back to." He said his ears drooping. I sighed, I'm such a sucker. I extend my wing for him to return to, he smiled and did so eagerly. I then spred both wings leapt up into the air heading in the direction of home. Primus I felt like I was bringing home a new puppy, "What is Dark Horse gonna say?" I muttered half smiling.

The Love We Let Go Of [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now