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Bee was helping Storm tear apart the security force when Saw bones helped a stumbling and weak Dark Horse into the building. "Stay put." Saw Bones commanded Dark, who did not make any motion to consider anything to contradict his order. "Saw Bones! We need you to release the predacon clones." Backlash said, "The clones! They'll go after us!" Blade Runner said facing him now at Iron Bolt's side. "No. They won't, they are only mindless beasts they need someone to lead them. No, to teach them." Backlash said amending his own words. Saw Bones sighed but got to work going to his bot mode and beginning to tap away at one of the key boards. 

I raised my head avoiding a crushing bite to my neck, time seemed to blur together, I could no longer separate one minute from another. "Locked in battle, as we always are. Will one ever over come the other?" He asked as if he were romanticizing each of these moments in his mind for future recall.  I huffed irritated with his theatrics, he seemed to pick up on this. "Well I suppose you don't have the sense to treasure these moments but I do. And I will treasure the moment I terminate you, your pack, and your half pred pet." He said the last one with such distaste as if it had left a bad taste in his mouth.  This set a new sensation in my chest, "Don't you DARE speak of them!!!" I thundered as he went at me again, this time I sunk my fags deep into his armor as rage blurred my mind allowing blind but powerful instinct to do as it pleased, however at the moment I saw no reason to stop it. He yelped not expecting the sudden change in tactics, something changed in his optics and how he carried himself. Fear had entered his blood stream. 

"How close are you to done?" Backlash asked Saw Bones, "And right.. now." He said as the pods opened, several creatures fell to the floor among the pool of the iridescent green liquid. The whole pack seemed to tense up unsure of what the clones would do. Dark lifted his head watching still slightly aggressive. Backlash approached them without fear or hostility, "Do not be frightened, I understand you are all confused and possibly scared, but please to not attack. Do not give into the fear of confusion. I am Backlash, follow me to our home, we will answer all your questions there." He said in predacon to the clones, there were near 20. "Why not answer our questions here?" One of them asked who possessed a head similar to an earth feline but ears like a dog. "It is to dangerous to stay here there are some who would aim to keep you prisoner and control you like drones. We are here to see to it that does not happen." This answer seemed to satisfy the new arrivals who nodded ready to follow the black and green pred. Bee was glancing around, "Jaws is still out there fighting landslide, she said she would be quick." He said sounding worried. "We must get the clones to safety, you find her and call us should the need arise." Backlash said, Bee nodded before turning and trotting outside. Backlash turned to the others and began to lead them off as Saw Bones tended to the weak of the clones helping them to keep pace with the rest, Storm helped Dark to the group. "We must move quickly as the rouge cons running this will want all evidence destroyed for concern the elite guard will catch wind of them." Backlash said to Iron Bolt who moved next to him with Blade Runner at his heels. Iron Bolt nodded before going off to keep the clones together.

I could hear the pack moving off, good, it ment I could fall back anytime I needed. I wouldn't, I had to finish it. We were both torn up but there was something more driving me this time something that would put me over the edge. Landslide could sense this and he ran, he ran for the building. I followed thinking nothing of it merely chasing as any hunter looking for victory would. I noticed Bee who intercepted my path stopping me and allowing Landslide to reach the building. "What?" I asked turning my attention to him concerned something was wrong, "I was worried, you took longer than planned." he said. "I will take longer still, he has escaped into the compound. I need to go after him." I said beginning to move that direction, "We freed the clones, we did what we came to do it is pointless to go after him now. Let's go back." He said stepping in front of me again. "No, I need to fix my mistake, but there is no need for anyone else to be in danger. You head back I will meet you there." I said, he gave me a look. "I will, Bee I promise." I said knowing the emotion he expressed, "Let's just leave." He urged again. "No, I have to do this." I said with more force before bolting for the door to quick for him to stop me. I slammed thought the door following his path resenting what I knew I had to do. Before I could get far into the building there was an attack from over head that shook the ground and began to burn the building. I ran through the falling debris my mind set as I caught a glimpse of  Landslide's tail giving me more drive. 

Bee was in a state of slight panic as he watched the ship begin to destroy the base. However he could not run in. The building's supports had come down in front of the door and he was not strong enough or did not know how to be in order to move them.  "Jaws!" He thundered, but there was no response. "No this can't be happening." He muttered looking up at the ship, that seemingly hadn't noticed him. Had Bee  been taught how to fly he would have tried to take out the war ships engines or weapons, but looking at it from the ground it seemed like it would be a foolish move. He could only wait, and hope she could cheat death like she had several times before. 


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