the adventure begins

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rachel was in a near by diner having a milkshake with sebastian they had become quite close in the past few weeks though unlike santana and hunter they hadnt had sex though they had shared a bed on several occasions.

" hunt just texted me something happened to santana something to do with ken." sebastian said

" oh my god is she alright" rachel asked

" he said he arrived in time but that its no longer safe for you guy to be there. i neednt want to ruin our date but the vehicle is ready hunter and i are leaving tomorrow and i know i have said it loads of times but come with us. i dont want to leave you rach but i cant stay at dalton i hate it" sebastian said

" i will have to talk to tana" rachel said

a short while later rachel and sebastian reached mckinley and while rachel walked inside and made her way to her room sebastian climbed in through the window.

" tana are you alright " rachel asked as she reached her room sebastian was already inside talking to hunter.

" yeah thanks to hunter" santana said

" look you two you have to come with us we can take some of your stuff to dalton now and you should sleep there wih us tonight incase that bastard comes back" hunter said

" what do you think rach" santana said

" i think we are going on an adventure " rachel said

" yes" sebastian said grinning he walked over and pulled her into a cuddle
" right then co e on lets pack" santana said

it didnt take long they didnt have much they boys tuck one load of their things and the girls waited for them to return.

" i cant believe we are getting out of this dump" santana said

" i know the main thing is we will be together " rachel said

" yeah" santana said they hugged each other.

later that day the boys returned and grabbed so e  ore stuff and rachel and santana carried some lighter items this was it rachel turned as they reached the main road she looked back at mckinley her home since she was seven though it had never felt like home. she knew in her she would never see the place again she didnt know where they were going she didnt care the main thig was the four of them each had a reason for wanting to escape amd they were going to stick by each other.

that night they slept at dalton but they all set their alarms for two am rachel disnt need to have set hers she couldnt sleep as she laid there snuggled up to sebastian she ws wondering what. ight be head of them all and ofcourse they had to manage to get out of dalton and get their things into the car before their adventure could begin and that meant not being caught by the staff at dalton.

as the alarms started going off sebastian looked groggy but excited hunter jumped out of bed like he hadnt even being fast asleep a moment ago santana was cursing.

" right seb come on lets get  our things out of the window the girls  can wait with it round the corner from here then we ill go get the vehicle" hunter said

" ok" sebastian said

once they were fully dressed and had a quick wash they dare not have a shower incase the staff heard the water running. sebastian went out of the windoe while hunter passed him stuff then hunter helped bot girls put of the window.

once outside rachel and santana csrried some of the stuff down the road a d rou d the corner

" rach you stay with it i will help the guys" santana said rachel nodded.

it tuck about twenty minutes to get all their things to where rachel was the boys had more stuff than they did.

" right then we wont be long" sebastian said he gave rachel a quick kiss before he and hunter went running down the street.

" this is it rach the start of our lives " santana said excitedly

" i cant believe we are doing this" rachel said

" no matter what gappens we are never coming back " santana said

" promise" rachel said

" promise" santana said rachel saw santana looking confused

" what is it" rachel asked seeing her expression

" i thought it was a car they were getting" santana said as rachel turned and saw sebastian and hunter coming down the street in a minibus whi h they pulled up infrontnof them.

" well what do you think" hunter asked as he got out

" what happened to the car" santana asked

" well when we thought you two might come with us we had an idea a car wouldnt  be big enough this way we can have more supplies with us" hunter said

the four of them loaded their thing into the back of thd mini bus which the back row of seat had being laid flat rachel saw loads of equipment in the minibus.

" seb what is all this" she asked

" well we thought it would cost a lot to constantly stay in motels so that what your looking at is fishing equipment and camping equipment amd ks also why we chose the minibus" sebastian said

once their stuff was all loaded huntergot into the drivers sest santana hopped in next to him sebastian opened the sliding door on the side of the vehicle and offered ravhel his hand to help her get in.

once rachel was in she looked around there was stuff everywhere the boys had really thought of everything there was bottles of water tins of food  stacked up ghere was towels and sleeping bags. plus rachel there was a curtain rail half way down the vehicle thwt looked like the boys had put up.

" whats that for" rachel asked

" well if it gets cold one night we can sleep inside here its for privacy " sebastian said he sat down on the seat directly behind hunter and pulled her into the seat next to him wrapping his arm around her and kissingnher forehead.

" well then hunt let the adventure begin" sebastian said and hunter set off the excited was electric

author notice

hi guys the story will start getting going now hopefully next chapter tomorrow

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