oh no!

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sebastian drove for a few hours wanting to put as much distance between them and the bear as possible but at quarter three in the morning he was to tired to carry on. hunter was asleep with santana  curled up to him rachel had stayed awake to keep sebastian company but was beyond tired herself.

thankfully there was a little lay by and sebastian was able to pull up he and rachel got out of the front of the minibus and got into the back they moved some of their supplies off the back seats. sebastian laid down pulling rachel on top of him. while it wasnt the most comfy of places to sleep been with sebastian is was by far the best.

it wasnt long before they fell asleep exhausted bybghe late night the drive and the run i  with the bear.

several hours later

(knocking )

" what the" hunter said as the four of them started to wake up

" hunt" sebastian mumbled

" someone is knocking" hunter said

" tell them to get losr" sebastian said

" police open up" a voice called out they all looked at each other

" shit" hunter said he got up and opened the door.

" are you the owner of this vehicle " the officer asked

" is something wrong" hunter asked sebastian got up and exited the minibus too standing next to hunter.

" just answer the question " the officer said

" its our vehicle we bought it together" sebastian said

" licences and registration " the officer said

" what is going on " sebastian asked

" just a routine check" the officer said

" where you headed" the officer asked as he checked their paperwork

" we are on a road trip " hunter said

" i see your vehicle has an ohio licence plate" the officer remarked

" thats where we set off from its where we live"  hunter said

" i see" the officer said

" is there anything else" sebastian asked

" im just going to run your details to check them" the officer said

a few minutes later

" well your details check out so here you go" the officer said ganding them back their papers.

" is thst everything" hunter asked

" yep good day to you" the officer said

" thank you" sebastian said getting back inside the minibus followed by hunter

" i need to stretch my legs"  santana said getting out of the minibus as the officer was getting back into his car then he got back out and started walking over.

" oh shit shit shit" hunter said

" excuse me miss what is your name" the officer asked

" why" santana said

" just tell me your name" the officer said sebastian put his arm around rachel

" look im flattered but i have a boyfriend" santana said batting her eyelashes at him

" well you cant blame a guy for trying have a good trip" the officer said and walked once again to his car this time he drove off.

" damn it santana i thought we were screwed then" sebastian snapped

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