running for our lives

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present time

rachel was running like crazy she didnt know how she kept going it felt like she was running for her life santana was next her also running like hell.

they were only four blocks from the park now and the roads were deserted so they were running straight across roads. then as they ran across the next street a coach almost hit them. santana did whst santana does best and went off on a tantrum.

" santana come on we have to go" rachel hissed as the doors of the coach opened and then she saw him.

" oh my god" santana squealed

" hey babe " hunter said as she ran into his arms

" come here" sebastian said having run to rachel and holding her tight

" i cant believe " rachel started to say but got choked up

" i told you to trust me didnt i" sebastian said

" guys" hunter said sebastian tuck her bags as she ran to the coach and climbed on sebastian followed placing her bags on some seats further back.

santana was sat next to hunter who was ready to drive sebastian tuck rachel's hand and led her to the back of the coach and pulled her onto his lap.

" i never thought i would see you again " rachel said

" love has away of making things work out and i told you before no matter what happens you can count on me." sebastian said before kissing her rachel felt the weight of the last few day lift as he kissed her even though it stung her stitches she didnt care she was back where she wanted to be in sebastian's arms.

" i love you" rachel said

" i love you i haven't stopped thinking about you seeing you beennpulled out of that room injured was the worst moment of my life" sebastian said

" i have been worried about what you dad was going to do to you" rachel said

" i have only thought of you if you were alone or with santana " sebastian said

" i was in our old room but santana was in a different one" rachel said

" atleast we managed to do it again and it means if we get caught again there is always hope" sebastian said rachel nodded the adrenaline that had been coursing through her had now abated and she felt tired so for the first time in four days rachel fell into a comfortable sleep wrapped up in sebastian's arms.

a few hours later

it was now ten in the mornig and after sleeping well it was now sebastian's turn to drive has hunger was knackered the great thing about the coach was it had a toilet so no toilet stops were needed.

plus they didnt have to get out of the coach to which over so nobody saw them the windows were tinted nd had curtains. the side of the coach said Americans best loved coach tours. they saw two the same as they tracelked so they didnt look at all out of place.

as sebastian got into the drivers seat rachel sat in the front passenger seat the excitement she had felt at the very start of their first adventure was fastly coming back.

" so are we still heading for florida " sebastian asked

" yep" hunter said as he all but carried a tired santana to the back of the coach.

" last rime i was more excited at the fact that we managed to get away but this time i cant help but feel this is it its the start of something " sebastian said

" its the next chapter of our lives" rachel said

" yep and in a just over a week i will be eighteen then next month both you girls will be so if we stay under the radar for the next few weeks they cant touch us" sebastian said

" easier said than done but we managed half a week last time and this time we are more wiser" rachel said

" i cant believe we nearly ran you girls over we were heading to the park to sit and think how to get you out pf mckinley " sebastian said

" we were going to the park to then we would plan where we were going to go we had no clue where to find you guys" rachel said

" i was putting the trash out and hunter was hiding in the woods outside my house he came for me" sebastian said

" santana escaped out of her room and came for me" rachel said

" i know you and i are together and they are but the four of us we are a pretty good family we have each others back no matter what" sebastian said

" yeah and together we make a good team" rachel said

" we do it was so weird i was at my parents house i had no way of getting to you because of my dad yet i was determined i didnt know how but my head and my heart just screamed no your not taking her away from me" sebastian said

" i felt the same" rachel said he reached over and squeezed her hand.

" so are you going to cook for me tonight " sebastian said winking at her

" if you want" rachel said

"  its been four days might need some desert too" sebastian said with a hopeful playful grin on his face.

" me to" rachel said

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