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Santiago's P.O.V

I haven't been completely honest to Ian about my past history.Ryan and Blake were my adopted parents as well.I never knew my real parents at all.I suddenly heard someone waking me up.

"Santiago,come on son we're in Los Angeles."Ian said.He already calls me son!I like the feeling of son like with my dad did with me when I was little.I would always play catch with him.It was the best days of my life.

"Okay"I grunted.We got out of the plane and David bought me and Ian food since we were starving in the plane.

"Okay I'm gonna call a taxi and-"David was interrupted by screaming and shouting by people who had signs like:Iancorn is the best!!,Santiago is amazing!,We love you and etc.I was happy that people still remembered me,but how are we gonna get through these fans!My dads were trying to make space for me to get through.I felt sorry for them since they're gonna have to get use to it.David called a taxi immediately and the taxi was there in time.We put our stuff in the trunk and gave him my address.

"Was that your fans!?"David said exhaustedly.

"They weren't just my fans,they were yours as well."I said trying to catch my breath.40 minutes passed and we in front of my house.It was still beautiful like always.I saw the looks on David's and Ian's faces when they saw the house in real life.

"Holy shit!!"David said.I laughed at him.

"Welcome to my life Dad's!"I said with a grin.David payed the Taxi driver and I knocked on the door.I hope the workers are still here.I heard someone getting closer and opening the door.It was one of the maids and was happy to see me!She covered her mouth with her hands and hugged me.

"Oh my god Santiago it's been so long!"She said.

"I know Martha.I remembered you when I was 13 years old,now I'm 15.It's been so long"I said starting to cry.

"We all missed you and hoping to see you again.Wait?Who are these young fine men.?"Martha asked.

"They're my new parents,Ian and David."I said and they both waved hello.Martha got closer to them and gave them a welcoming hug.

"Welcome to the family."Martha said.

We went inside and were greeted by other staff workers and talking so much.After a few minutes.I showed my parents into their new room.It was bigger than a master bedroom.They both looked with amazement and hugged me and thanking me.I smiled and hugged them back.

After a while showing them the house they were happy to be here but I felt sorry for Ian for the incident with Anthony.I hope one day I can tell them something no one knows even my parents.

Adopted by Ian Hecox?!(Iancorn/Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now