Lost without a trace until now

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Maria's P.O.V

This boy named Elian was so polite just like Santiago,a little too much like Santiago.,I just ignored it and went on with the party.I was dancing like a crazy woman and talked with some people I known for sometime.

----------------3 hours later--------------

The night was over,I was so bummed out.I was about to leave and then....Oh my word I couldn't hold it in,I need to get into a bathroom quick.I ran back to the house of the boy and asked the body guards to let me use the bathroom.They could see I couldn't hold it anymore and let me through.I was thankful for that that.


Ahhh much better!I was about to leave the house until I heard weeping,whoever is weeping must be really upset.I went to investigate.After walking for a while in the hallway the weeping got louder and louder.I peeked at the door to see Elian there crying with a picture.

"I miss you so much dad,but we will be reunited in time."Elian said.I looked closer to see the the picture but it was too far.I tried to look and I fell on the floor causing him to turn around.I looked at the picture before he hid it.He wipes his eyes with his hands.

"I'm sorry I got lost I need to use the bathroom."I lied.

"It's okay you can use my bathroom" he offered.I accepted it because he will know I was lying.I was in the bathroom for 3 minutes and I left the bathroom to see that he wasn't there anymore.Now was my chance to see who his father was,I was always the curious type.I was lucky to see the picture still in the bed wrapped around the bed sheet,I unraveled it and got the picture.I turned the picture to unravel the person that I thought it wouldn't be.

Santiago's P.O.V

The party was finally over and I couldn't hold the tears anymore.I ran to my room and took out the picture of me and Ian on the day he adopted me.I cried even more and was saying things to myself.

"I miss you so much dad,but we will be reunited in time."I said.Suddenly the door opened revealing Maria.

"I'm sorry I got lost I need to use the bathroom."She said.

"It's okay you can use my bathroom"I offered her.She nodded and went to the bathroom.My phone rang and the body guard told me that there was someone on the phone for me,I told them I'll be down there,I got the house phone and answered it.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Hello Elian it's me Jacob from earlier,my boyfriend and I just wanted to thank you for inviting us to your party."He said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it,I'm sorry but I must leave."I said.

"Okay,thank you again and have a nice day!"He said.

"Thanks you too."I hanged up.Your not getting me in your trap that easily Jacob!I went to my room and saw Maria opening the bed sheets,I quickly run but it's too late!

"Maria"She turned around when I said her name.

"Is there something else your here for instead of the bathroom?"I said.

"It's not possible,they found your body dead with no pulse,how can you still be alive?!."She said terrified.

"I don't know what your talking about."I said.She puts the picture in my face.

"This boy was a nice,sensitive,kind person,where is he SANTIAGO!"she starts crying,I stare at her blankly and started to talk.

"Santiago is dead.Elian is his replacement for now,that Santiago you knew is long gone"I said staring with no expression in my face.

Adopted by Ian Hecox?!(Iancorn/Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now