Chapter 2

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8 months earlier

"You're simply an ace guy aren't you Carl. Honestly, I don't know how I'd make it without you." Louis snapped sarcastically. His manager merely gazed back indifferently; he couldn't care less if Louis didn't like him, that much was obvious. It was for the best seeing as Louis really hated the guy. Why did Louis feel like he got majorly jipped as far as manager's went? He was certain it was just a second ago he was scrolling instagram to find picture after picture of his celebrity friends "chilling at the pool" or "playing some ball" with their managerial bffs. Louis sighed, this sort of thing was to be expected with his luck. He wasn't ungrateful for all Carl had done for him, he just wished he hadn't been stuck with such a boring wart of a human being.

It didn't help that Carl was the one to inform him that he would be relocated for the next 8 months to the middle of butt fucked Egypt. Not that Egypt wasn't somewhere he'd rather be. He'd rather be anywhere that wasn't Holmes Chapel. What kind of a name was that anyways? Holmes Chapel. Hooooolllllmes Chapeeeeeel. Louis rolled the name around on his tongue. He couldn't help but imagine a bunch of detectives running around in church robes and giggled to himself for his imagination. Carl gave him a sideways glance and rolled his eyes dramatically from the driver's seat.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Carl, you're the one forcing me into solitary confinement for 8 months after I've done literally nothing wrong." Louis can't help the venom in his tone, it's seemingly always present as he converses with his manager these days. Hell, it's there in all his conversations. Louis is a feisty young adult who has a great ass and won't take shit from anyone. Carl glances Louis's way with a look of annoyance before redirecting his attention to the road.

"Nothing wrong, eh? Of course you would say that... selfish prat." Carl whispered the last part so Louis almost missed it. Almost. He chose to ignore the jab for today, curious as to what wrongdoing Carl was so certain Louis was guilty of.

"Yeah, I would Caaaaaarl, I'm a saint." Louis replied, dragging out the "ar" sound in Carl's name the way Louis knew he hated. "But since you're so sure I'm guilty of a crime deserving of such a god awful punishment, please enlighten me. With what am I being charged, exactly?" Louis internally applauded himself for being thoroughly dramatic and waited for Carl's reply.

"Louis, we've discussed this. You have no sense of caution. You are a highly monitored celebrity and you've got to act in a way that we can plan the reaction of the public. You going to clubs every night and flirting with men and women alike does nothing to preserve your pre-teen safe image. No mom is going to buy her 12 year old daughter 'that one gay kid's CD'." Louis cringed at the comment, Carl noticed and with a sigh, continued: "You need to wind down, learn how to be less flamboyant and... well you know."

"Gay. Go on say it Carl, you want me to be less gay."

"I never said that Lou-"

"Save it Carl. You don't owe me any favors." Louis slumped in his seat, thinking thing conversation was over, when Carl spoke up one last time,

"I know it's hard for you kid. And I know it's not your fault... Just a bit more calm would be nice. At least until the team can figure this whole thing out." Louis scoffed at Carl's optimism. He didn't need his positivity, and he certainly didn't need his sympathy. Just as Louis was finishing his analysis of their conversation they pulled into the driveway of Louis's new home for the next 8 months. His manager barely managed to stifle a giggle as Louis gaped.

You have GOT to be fucking with me Carl.

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