Chapter 7

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Harry left late into the evening, but not before bestowing Liam with his number should he ever want to hang out again. Louis couldn't pretend like this didn't irritate him and after he had shut the door behind Harry, ripped the small piece of paper out of Liam's hands.

"Relax Lou, you know I don't roll that way." Liam rolled his eyes and again! With the eye rolling! Louis would have to hold a seminar informing people on just how to respect others.

"One can't be too careful, Leeeyum. I have this awful feeling that many a man has strayed the straight and narrow for that boy."

Eleanor laughed at Louis's concern. "And you're so sure of your lady loving? Who's to say that boy won't kick you out of straight life?" Louis rolled his eyes, she was suuuch an idiot.

"Oh I don't know El, I guess I'm just that macho." Liam was laughing then.

"Yeah the most macho man in all of Europe."

"Shut up, Liam." Louis snapped. Liam went for the dramatic eye roll, only to stop himself and head for the door.

"We love you Lou," he said, tone serious, "don't go too stir crazy yeah? Use his number." Louis smiled softly at his friend,

"Count on it, Li." He sighed "Love you too. Both of you." Eleanor and Liam smiled at him affectionately from the doorway before stepping into the night, closing the door behind them. Louis watched their tail lights fade off down the road before groaning loudly and spinning in circles really fast in the middle of his living room until he felt nauseous. Collapsing on his couch he held up his phone along with the number that felt like £100 in his hand.

Entering the digits, he rolled over on his side and stared at the new contact. Would it be too soon to text him? Yes, too soon. And not his style at all. He never texted anyone first! He rarely even replied to others messages.

What was he even doing? This trip wasn't suppose to change him, only relax him. And yet, from the moment he saw Harry, his old self seems like a total stranger.

Louis shook his head, this was insane. He strolled over to his kitchen and grabbed a bag of mini muffins from Harry's bakery and the gallon of milk. Climbing the stairs, he remembered how proud Harry had been when he mentioned making these desserts. He smiled at the memory, maybe change wasn't so bad.

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