chapter 3

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Sipping her tea she came down and peeped in kumari's room, that bright girl was already up to help Dada in kitchen .(she was a bright girl and a responsible one too, maybe circumstances made her what she was today)
wandering around the house, and looking through the plants she and kumari had planted she was recalling any anniversary or birthday attached with the  day she needed to wish and also making a list of things they needed or tasks to be completed.
she entered the kitchen and smiled at the little argument taking place between the owners and she knew in no time there was an emergency in kitchen and she was needed ........Didi.( and here it came)
Didi, isn't it the sesame seeds Dada calling  small musturds
and Dada looked at her with a-help-me-please-look.

she entered and pretending to examine it correctly she finally gave the results well, kumari i too feel its small musturds , so lets leave Dada to do whatever he is doing and why not tell me if there is anything you need or any new plant we should be planting this Sunday.

and like that the argument was forgotten and that teen girl was telling her enthusiastically about her studies, the globe and yeah, they finally decided they needed​ a patch of white lilies in their garden.


she had been checking her appearance one last time before leaving for hospital when a sweaty self entered the room and grabbing his towel he asked her to wait for 10 mins and she nodded.

and she got a call, it was shubha from college. swiping the screen she took the call and she asked her about the whatsapp message she sent her last night. and if she checked it ?
she told her she did and she would talk about that case when she arrives the college, putting her phone back on the table she sat back staring the weather out of her window.

she used to think she too would be bold enough once to be socially active , she too would invite people for lunches and dinners , she too would have fun reminiscing old days but here she had to block even her whatsapp account so chats and random things won't disturb her and people thought her an egoistic  who never bothered to see  them unless it was important .But its life and things never go as you plan . she never had many friends but she was okay. she was completing her dreams and for completing her dreams she had to ignore many things and many people also -

her terrain of thoughts abruptly stopped with the click of door and here comes his husband who was fumbling with buttons of his off white shirt in a hurry and she couldn't hold her smile.

Easy Man, why such a hurry?  she enquired unbottoning it for him. and you asked me to wait, why so?  she handed him the shirt.

actually, Anu i have to leave for Mauritius  with the team for the ad suit so i have to leave around 12 . he completed buttoning the last button.

oh, it was the thing. she sighed
when  you would be returning ?  she turned pretending to take her phone from the side table butwas trying hard to brush the tears making their way in her big eyes( he came after a week just two days back , they didn't even talk properly and here he was going again)

i can't say . maybe 2 or 3 days or maybe more. He answered her.

do you need anything for the trip ? ......actually there was an important seminar in college  today and i needed -  and she cut mid way

its fine Anu, I'll manage , you dont worry. he assured her adjusting his shoes.

so....i think i should leave. and if you need anything  ask  kumari , she would get you that.

he started smiling while standing and it confused her. she stared him asking the reason.

you are relying on her too much, not that i am complaining. and suddenly he pulled her in his arms startling her completely and whispered to her. Thank you, for being here Anu...and pulled her more to him.

and why suddenly we are having these talks, wanting to leave those talks she asked and in return he just hugged her tight.

and suddenly she was aware he was leaving in 3 hours and those tears again started making their way down but she controlled herself (recalling a famous saying- never cry when someone is leaving for some important thing even when the tears of the mere indication of how muh you are going to miss them)

and not breaking the hug, she whispered tell me , you would come soon ! and also ,would take your meals on time and -

shhhhh he stoped her caressing her hairs. I'll  be fine but you too take care of yourself.

they broke the hug and she smiled to him and started leaving for hospital then suddenly surprised him and i don't despise that PA of your who broke into your room and  pleaded you to marry her . actually .......... he waited.
i feel bad for her. and she left with a proud smile. making him smile more before he remembered about the packing and again he was a running mess.

hey guys third part updated...and told you all it is one of my earliest work which i wrote nearly an year back so it contains many errors and a really amateur writing type so plz ignore that.
now thank you for reading and liking it.
with love Morusya.

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