Chapter 16

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As the wheels rolled forward and the plane gained speed, her insides started flipping. In the hotel room, she had taken the medicine as per shubha's advice but could not manage a small nap amid the pack up and a dress change for the event they were attending right after their flight was landing Kochi.

It was the third orange candy she had stuffed silently into her mouth to ease away the discomfort, she prayed her gods to let this night filled with so many things pass comfortably, she didn't want to trouble him on the event or any troublesome moment to stop him from attending this event.

"do you know ?" he initiated a talk seeing her struggling to keep up with her health and surroundings.

"yes..." she opened her eyes which she has shut tight unknowingly.

"When I was flying to London, my first time ever and that too an international flight... it's embarrassing but I was afraid of planes." he nearly whispered the last words.

"really? And when was the first flight you made?" she asked genuinely interested in the talks.

"9 years ago, when we were called to join this group abroad who were willing to give me a chance as content writer...?" he told her sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

"But I didn't see any content writing in the last few months we are together ..." she teased him, in the lower belly she was starting to feel calm, nausea too was going away with the way they were engrossed in talks.

"Papa, making you comfortable little one!" she smiled to herself as her hand went to caress the place she thought the little life was rooted on.

"We didn't talk about our past lives but we will do someday, there is a lot I have to tell you... you might be scared of the guy I was all those years ago," he suggested and preceded to untie the safety straps as the safety indicators turned off.

"I still help the creative team with ideas but I am more into the camera things, by the way, if you want to I can show you the clip where I was endorsing a popular brand but that's a risk I don't want to take." he winked at her.

Her eyes grew big on that and she smiled at him, "then count me in, I want to watch The Shishir Dixit on my screen."

"you always see me around you, don't you?" he grew serious as he caressed her free hand.

"yeah, but seeing you as my Shishir is different and seeing you Onscreen as the whole world's Shishir is altogether a different thing." she giggled silently so she didn't disturb the others en route to Kochi.

"I got a few offers after that advertisement but I always wanted something behind Camera and then this happened..." his gaze fixed in front of him like something bothered him but at this moment she didn't want any negativity.

" When did you think you were going to study human psyche ? or it just happened..." he asked and the topic was changed like that.

"You do know Aunt Suhasini, she was a psychology professor and I was the closest to her so let's just say I got her influence and as I completed my schools I declared I was going to study human psyche," she concluded as she pulled her hand to pick another small candy.

"Are you okay, I am noticing there has been a good many numbers of candies going inside your system..." he looked at her with a suspicious gaze.

"I am feeling off lately..." she closed her eyes since she didn't expect it to come out like this.

"what happened, you got a disturbed system or was it too exhaustive suggesting the day-long sun basking on the beach," he touched her forehead cautiously.

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