→ Taeyong

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The slam of my door being shut and the patter of bare feet were the first noises I heard when I woke up, and be it none other than perfection in itself.

"BABY, ah fuck did I wake you, I'm so sorry princess, are you okay though (y/n)? You weren't at school and I didn't get a text. nOT ONE." He pouted and I almost cried he was so cute.

"I mean like what happened, how could you make me worry like that (y/n)? Anyways scoot and tell me what happened."

I sighed but smiled and rolled over, not wanting to actually get up and scoot back, then he layed there, running his long fingers through my hair and ever so gently kissing my forehead.

"Tae you're so easily stressed, I didn't feel well this morning so I didn't go. That's all." He sighed and looked down on me as we cuddled in my bed, giving me a bored expression.

"You're lucky that your husband is an amazing cook and that he loves you very much (y/n)." He gave me a gross wet kiss on the cheek and got up exclaiming that he would make me soup and we could watch dramas or animes or whatever I wanted for the rest of the day. I missed his warmth, so I reluctantly got up and slowly walked towards him, blanket still covering me completely. My face was the only thing that showed, along with a few messy hair strands and Tae was opening a top cabinet, so I mushed my face against his back and grunted in satisfaction. He tensed up and snapped back to what he was doing.

"I'll have you know (ur ult. bias that isn't from nct lol) is my husband thank you very much. He's my one and only true love."

"UM NO. NO HE IS NOT. IM CUTER THAN HIM AND I LOVE YOU MORE SO SHUSH. And uh baby- ugh-" He tried to get my arms off him "Princess could you let go. I'll be do-"


"(Y/N) do not make me do something you don't wa-"


(Y/N)(L/N) I am not going to ask again. Just let me ma-"


He sighed and looked back to me with daunting eyes. It was kinda hot so I laughed, I know he wasn't trying to scare me. If anything, it was doing the exact opposite iF yOU kNOw wHat Im saYIn. Then he grabbed my waist and flipped us, putting his lips right next to my ear.

"Go sit and put something on or else you won't get soup, you'll get something else. I'm sure you'd like it anyways, huh baby? Now let me go back to cooking, and let's have our cute time before I make our plans for tonight run a little early eh?"

I gulped and closed my eyes. Damn he was hot. I nodded and stared him in the eyes.

"I uh, I will." I made fast baby steps to the couch and stared at his back while he cooked widening my eyes. Such a tease. I hated him for being able to do that. He came back with a steaming bowl of soup and smiled at me. prick.

"Tha-ACHOO." I threw myself forward when I sneezed and bounced right back onto the couch.

Jesus Christ.


"I hate you" I jokingly said and he muttered a 'yeah yeah' as he spoon fed me. We ended up watching the movie Wolf Children before I drifted to sleep and the last thing I heard was a soft, raspy,

"I love you (Y/N), more than anyone, or anything. Goodnight princess."

"I love you too, Lee Taeyong"

how was it y'all ;);;;)) idk if i should do a part 2 cause uhhhh, yeah lmao.
Let me know how it was yo, oh and also shameless self promo cause i can so go check out whiplash and literally just tell me if i should delete it or not cause 🤷🏻‍♀️
enjoy <3333 , Much love, xo

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