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Hey guys don't worry I'm not in the hospital If I was I would've been there for stupid reasons, I'll explain at the end😂


  Today I finally have surgery, I'm getting my tonsils removed so that's means I'll be speaking very strange and different but my Boyfriend Jack will be coming over to visit Me!

  My mom woke me up at 3 am!
She treated me with a lot of love as always! (THAT'S MY MOM!!❤)

  I changed into this

 I got into the car and headed towards the hospital

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I got into the car and headed towards the hospital.

  When we got to the hospital I sighed on and got checked out and went inside my room where I changed into a hospital gown. When I'm out of surgery I'll be back to my normal clothes. I just sat there til the doctor came and took me away...

                   -After surgery-

They took me back to my room and I was awake. I saw Jack there standing with a bag in hand talking to my mom. He saw me and the doctor helped me get into bed.

  I changed into my normal clothes and cuddled up with Jack by my side.

My mom went to go get us ice cream cause after surgery people have to eat ice cream for some reason I don't know ( I had my tonsils removed and I have no Idea why I had to eat ice cream)

  My mom came back with ice cream, and of course I ate mine. Jack kept giving me kisses on my head and forehead. Then all of a sudden I feel asleep.

                      -Hours later-

  I woke up to see Jack right beside me. I smiled and went right back to sleep. All cuddled up in his chest.

I know this is crappy but I tried my best. So what I said up top was, I'll go to the hospital for really stupid reasons😂😂. One I sprained my ankle just cause of a running race to my bus stop that was 1 min away from my house. And I jammed my finger for playing tetherball at school. And again jammed my thumb while pushing some classmates around a turn thingy. And again jammed my finger while playing tetherball, and had buddy fingers! And again tetherball, and I slamed my pinky in metal while playing tetherball😂😂. So I get hurt for stupid reasons but you know... it's life😂😂. My mom would be the one to come pick me up and take me to the hospital and sits there looking at me, and I'll say "what?"
"Why do you get injured just cause of sports?!" I just said idk. My mom hates me getting injured, not cause she takes me to the hospital cause she doesn't want me to be stuck with a cast or tape or whatever!! Bye guys good night I'm so tired rn!😴😴

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