Imagine for Lisa

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Lisa POV:

Today we had school and i get to see that stupid frien- i mean that stupid guy, Jack Avery. Okay to be honest i kinda have a crush on him too just a tiny bit. I got up took a short shower changed into this 

Brushed my teeth and hair and went downstairs to get my backpack and eat breakfast

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Brushed my teeth and hair and went downstairs to get my backpack and eat breakfast.

After breakfast i went to my bus stop and waited for the bus. When my bus came i got on and heard "Hey Lisa! Party at my house!" A guy named Dave yelled. "I'll be there!" I yelled back to him.

-Skip bus ride-

We made it to school and we all got off the bus. We walked in went to our lockers til Avery came...
"Hey ugly" he said smiling. "Hey noodle hair" i said shutting my locker.

"You going to Daves party?" He asked.
"Why do you care?" I asked him.
"Just..." he said. "Just what? You ganna keep talking or what?" I said. He didnt talk or say anything so i left.

-skio school-

I went to my house i got into my party outfit and waited til it was time.

-time for PARTY-

I walked to the party and opened the door and saw people partying, drinking, and everything teens would do during a party. I walked over to the drinking bar to get some punch.

Til Avery came. "He-" before he continued talking i walked away. I pretended that i was dancing with some friends so he wouldnt talk to me.

"GUYS LET PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" Dave yelled. Everyone went to sit around in a circle and waited til Dave came back with a bottle of empty beer. He spinned it and it landed on Jack....

"Jacky Boy! Truth or Dare" Dave asked. "Dare!" Jack yelled. "I dare you amd Lisa to go to my room and spend 8 mins there" he said winking. I gave Dave a death glare. He just smiled at me and waved goodbye.

I got up and went to the room with Jack. When i entered i felt and hand on mine and pushed me on the wall. I opened my eyes i saw Jack kissing me. He pushed me on the bed. And started kissing. We both heard footsteps running away. Then heard in the hall way "ow ow ow ow ow!!" I bet was Dave's parents. Then the doorknob opened but me and Jack went out the window and we started our


Hope you like it lisa!

Jack Avery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now