Birthday Disaster pt.3

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Hey Guys! Just to let you know Aspen and Jack are not dating but just go with it in the story 👍


I didn't know what to do... then all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. I got up washed my face and went and answered the door.

Then standing there was Jonah???

Me: "Jonah what are you doing here?!!?!!??!" I said hugging him.
Jonah: "I came here to ask you something!" He said hugging me back.
Me:"Couldn't you have texted me over the phone?"
Jonah:"Well I didn't want to say it over the phone!" He said.
I looked at him confused...

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.
"Can we go outside?" He asked.
I nodded and we both went outside.

"Okay we're outside now what?" I asked Jonah.

"Okay... um... well y/n when we first met I feel head over heels for you... and when you and Jack started Dating my heart broke... and to see that he cheated on you with Aspen, I thought I have a chance with y/n now, so y/n will you be my girlfriend?" Jonah asked.

He kissed me and on my head.
Then my phone buzzed and saw that Jack texted me.

Jack: Y/N I'm so sorry! Please forgive me...
Me: I'll forgive but I'll not get back together with You. Why? I'm dating Jonah, but we can be Friends.
Jack: oh... well if he makes you happy then go ahead 🙂😔☹🙁😟😭 as long he takes care of you...

I looked at Jonah who was looking the view of (your home state)

Me: He Will!
Jack: Ok I love you
Me: love you too

The end

Jack Avery ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now