Surprise Disaster

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   This idea is from Anonymous46580 so hope you guys like it!!

  y/N POV

   I got everything packed ready to go to my (home state) to visit my family!

    I walked over to Jack and hugged him. I felt that his hugs were not the same anymore. He's been acting differently, not talking to me a lot, he's been out of the band house a lot lately. He's been weird...

           "Are you ok?" I said to Jack. He nodded. "Ok..." I said. I went downstairs and sat down with Zach and watched tv with him. Then Jack came downstairs and went outside...
I was about to go outside with him, but then Daniel started yelling my name. "Y/N!!! IT'S TIME TO GO NOW!!!!" He yelled "OK!!!!!!!!" I yelled back.

    I heading to (home state) for 2 weeks and then come back home. I kinda had this feeling about Jack cheating on me... but I don't think he would do that... Would he??..

    I hopped in the car waiting for Jack to get in but he didn't... I asked Daniel about Jack and about him to stop cause Jack is coming. "He says that he's sick" Daniel said. Then why didn't he tell me? He's been acting really weird,by really weird I mean by REALLY weird. 

      We got to the airport and waited til my plane landed. "Ok Daniel goodbye... well not goodbye see ya later" I said laughing hugging him. "Bye y/n I'll miss you!"

I walked towards the plane and gave my ticket to the lady and entered the plane. I found my seat put my stuff away and sat down.

I got my earbuds and out them on and started to listen to music. I started to think about Jack cause he's not been himself... I think he is cheating on me . He's been hanging out and been talking about a girl he's been hanging out with... I don't know... I'll find out when I come back to L.A. Right I have to enjoy my flight.

Hey guys this idea is from Anonymous46580 so make sure to follow her Part 2 will be coming soon!!!

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