Chapter 1

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"Hayat's View":
It was a hot summer morning, The weather was much hotter than usual days. I woke up from my bed by my thundering alarm saying it is 7:00am, it means I have to get ready for my first day to my new office and that I should not be late to my office, As first impression is the last impression. I had my breakfast undone, Mom was shouting to atleast take a sandwich in my hand so that I can eat it in my way, but I was already late in dressing up myself. I came out rushing from my house door, Walking few steps to the bus station, I realized that i missed my bus, I walked a few steps more so that I can arrange a taxi for myself. I saw a taxi standing a little far from me, I ran towards it to catch it but all of a sudden a man with beautiful blue eyes, french beard, And wearing coat pant which made him look the most handsome man of this planet rushed into me. I am an angry woman, I started shouting, "Cant you see I got this taxi first?" The man replied, "Huh, Madam, Ask the driver I booked this taxi already". And my hope for going early to my first day to the office vanished away. I walked away to catch any other taxi if I luckily get any.

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