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AN~ oh shit balls thanks for 1k. Thank you I love your guts. Sorry for my ass updating schedule ;)

Windy, winter days
do nothing to stifle heat
of awkward new ships.

"I've had fun tonight." Kidd smirked as he gently nudged my arm with his elbow. My cheeks were bitten red from the cold, and my slight blush. Unfortunately, they couldn't be hidden since me scarf was left home. I did my best to hide my fave as the corner of my lips twitched upward.

"Yeah, me too." I mumble, using my free hand to tug the front of my hat down lower. The other was occupied with Eustass's in a relaxing swing. We were taking a detour to the park as we walked to a small ice cream parlor.

It was January 10th, but Kidd insisted it wasn't to cold or late for ice cream. We had eaten dinner earlier, splitting the bill. I insisted, of course, he refused. Just because we were on a date does mean I want to be any sort of burden on him. I can take care of myself.

Then, we caught a movie which I didn't lay much attention to, for obvious reasons that were to embarrassing to admit to anyone.

So here we were, trudging through the cold. "Why ant we go to the ice cream place inside the mall? Where it's nicely heated, I might add."

"Because," he stated matter-of-factly as he adjusted his ear muffs and slim bubble jacket. "The park is nice."

"Very nice, when I can see it in the daylight." I grumbled as I felt my teeth begin to chatter. Don't get me wrong, I was having a very good time, but can't it be a good, warm time? Just because a guy is born and raised up north doesn't mean he likes the cold. My teeth chattered as a did my best to pull up the collar of my jacket and sweater.

Suddenly, a warm drift flew over my shoulders. Through the corner of my eye, I caught glimpse of a familiar leather jacket. "Huh?" I mumbled as my free hand stroked the well worn by cared for fabric.

"Your cold, right?" Kidd stated sheepishly as he looked everywhere, but down at me. Heat churned in my cheeks, causing the corner of my lips to tug upward as I slipped my arms properly into the jacket.

"Thanks, Eustass-ya."

"Yeah, I mean no problem. Wait, ugh. you're welcome!" A subtle giggle exscaped my lungs as Kidd stammered over his words. His face flushed to a shade comparable to his wild hair. "There is the parlor, okay? Let's run."

"Wait, no!" but before I could fully protest, Kidd's legs had kicked up to almost full speed causing my to clumsily chase behind. The only thing pulling me along was a lone hand.

                  Well, I just its wasn't a lone hand. It was mine, mine and Kidd's. A smiles wider as i realized I was smiling at all. Smiles were reserved for family and Penguin. Kidd was either. Maybe he could fit into the first group. Wouldn't that be nice?

                   "Here we are." Kidd huffed proudly as he held the door open for me, causing both our blushes to grow. We weren't romantic teenagers doing this for the first time, stumbling and awkward, but it felt fresh. As if we were constantly taking baby steps, yet stepping on each other toes. "This place has the best ice cream in town!"

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