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AN~ sorry for the hiatus but I'm back and hopefully better. Have a great thanksgiving!

Lovers may split ways
But the red-string of faith stays
As well as the pain

Kidd pov

Its been 9 whole days since that disaster, and we haven't talked since. No call, no text, no nothing. Honestly, I couldn't care less. At least not with 3 and 1/2 beers in my system.

"You're a mess." Killer groaned as he picked up the empty popcorn bowl off my dresser as I continued to flick through channel after channel. "Honestly, just call him."

"Do I look like a lil' bitch to you?"

"No, but you're acting like one. You're both grown men, talk it out." Killer signed before running a tired hand through his blonde bangs, clearing thinking about they his next move should, but the last thing I wanted to be was cooperative. You would think I'd want to take advice from someone in a long-standing, happy relationship, but no, I don't. After a long silence I felt the bed dip to my left. "You never told him, did you?"

                    Stubbornly, my teeth began to grind against one another. Killer was acting like he was interested in the fact that I never told Law about my promotion, but that wasn't the case. We both knew I never told Trafalgar how I really felt about us. Not that it mattered now. He was off living his life, going to school, and probably with someone else. My only answer was to take a large swing of the bitter alcohol in my grip.

                      My daily routine had become a rat-race of  working , drinking, and sleeping; the last on the list was rare at best. When I closed my eyes, even for a minute, imagines of bold tattoos and piercing icy, silver eyes flashed like a old movie, so I choose to spend my waking hours in a different reality.

                         "Pass." Killer gave in as I passed him the half finished blunt. If I couldn't force my demons sober then I'd force them to stay in the closet high. " Don't relapse on me."

                         A chuckle arose from my throat before I settled on watching a old re-run of Friends, the only show Killer and I could every agree on watching. It toke me back to when we first moved out together. All we had was an old TV, one mattress and a shit ton of Kraft's mac n cheese. "I can't make any promises."

I'm no lion-heart after all.

Law pov

                    "You look dead." Cavendish teased me as a dragged my arms as fast as possible to make the grande peppermint mocha, but I didn't bother to respond. I didn't bother to do anything other than what I had to do. Minimal effort was put into everything because what was the point. Nothing good can last for someone like me. That why I should have kept to myself like I've always done.

                       Being alone was safe. Safety made me contempt, and loneliness might always lurk around the corner, but life is a give and take. I toke to much, and had to give it all up. Lies were pointless. It was bitter. Not bittersweet, just bitter. Because I wasn't a fool. The only person I hurt was myself because I knew better.

                        Air was hard to take in since my throat was still tight from the teard from last week, but it wasn't like you needed much to stay alive, only 550 liters of Oxygen a day. "Law are you all right?"

                      "It's Trafalgar, Boa. Please call me by my first name." I spat before placing the order I just finish onto the counter and calling out the name. The last thing I wanted to do was be pestered by my annoying co-workers. They acted like they knew me so well, but didn't. No one did.

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