Hermione - 1st of April, 08:30
The sun shines brightly for just a spring morning. Between the peep of the pearl coloured lace curtains a stripe of light lights the large bedroom in Malfoy Manor.
I try to stiffle a yawn and turn around beneath the silk Slytherin green sheets of my Queen sized bed.
The bed dips and moves and a tight arm wraps around my waist and squeezes me closer to a hard surface, otherwise known as my husband's chest. I smile unknowingly and nuzzle my face into the white feather cushions.
Peppery kisses are placed on my exposed neck and I know exactly who was the cause of it. "Dracoo.. stop with that, it tickles," I sigh in delight. He chuckles, his chest shaking against my back.
"That's what is so funny about it, darling," he exclaims. I hit him over my shoulder, playfully. "You are absolutely horrible, Malfoy," I sigh. "Well thank you, Malfoy," he replies. I could already picture the smirk on his plump, rosy lips.
The mattress moves beneath me and I look over my shoulder. Draco stands up from the bed. I turn around and lean on my elbow, watching him put on the famous black suit he wears most of the days.
He sees me staring at him through the silver mirror above our black polished wooden drawer and smirks. "Like what you see, wifey," he asks playfully. I nod kind of overdramatic. "Of course, Ferret," I reply.
He leaves the bedroom to fetch us some breakfast while I stretch in our bed and step out. When Draco and I married he insisted on me having a large wardrobe. I disagreed as I didn't like having so much clothes, but he won the war.
I dress myself into a simple white blouse with black buttons and a small black bow loosely around the collar, pearl earrings with a matching bracelet, a black pencil skirt, some black sheer tights and black heels. My curls hang down my back.
Downstairs in the kitchen I meet with Draco and our House Elf, Dibby. We had both agreed on having a House Elf, as the house was simply too big to clean by ourselves with our full-time jobs, but paying him or her. We hired Dibby and payed her well for what she does for us.
Draco drinks an espresso with in his other hand an exemplar of the Daily Prophet. Dibby just places a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon in front of him. They both look up when they hear the door close behind me and a smile appears on Draco's lips.
"Goodmorning honey, you look gorgeous.. like always," he says with a wink. Even though he says this every morning, it still makes me blush like a bride on her wedding day. I announce that I will get the mail from our own Owlery and leave the kitchen through the backdoor.
I open the door to the Owlery and grasp the letters that our owl, Hermes, had dropped. It were tax agency letters, some of our friends and.. what was that? I hold a voilet coloured envelope in my hands. The name in fine, black print on the front makes me want to puke.
It was the name of my aunt, Esmeralda. She is the sister of my father and has three children: Lesly, Liam and Adeline. Aunt Esmeralda married a man called Eric Knight and so she isn't Esmeralda Granger anymore. I knew these letters, because there is only one reason why my aunt would send me a letter, as she hates me.
A family reunion.
I shiver at the thought of those horribles events my parents tried to get me to attend. I hated them through the deepest of my soul as my cousins couldn't stop pestering and bullying me. I never went to one again after being accepted at Hogwarts, using school as an excuse.
I walk back to the house and walk inside the kitchen again, throwing the violet letter on the table with an angry smack. Draco looks confused and places his cup of coffee down on the table. "What's wrong?" I don't reply and get myself some coffee from the coffee pot.
Draco reaches out and grabs the letter himself. His grey eyes quickly scan over it and his expression goes from confusion to even more confusion. "Forgive me if I didn't listen to you before, but why are you angry at receiving a letter for a family reunion?"
"It's because I haven't told you that I hate all my family from the paternal side before." I grip the edges of the kitchen counter, just now noticing that Dibby has left. Suddenly I feel hands on my upper arms, a chin resting on my shoulder.
"You can tell me.." "I know, it's just that.. my cousins, uncles and aunts hate me. Not that it's not returned though," I reply, leaning back into my husband's comforting touch.
"Why not trying it again? If you can bring my family, my pure-blood obsessed family, to love you so much that they will put their hand in fire for you, how difficult can this be? You are Hermione Malfoy-Granger, Brightest Witch of her Age and Golden Girl.. you can do this."
"Thank you Draco. I love you." "I love you too. What about me coming with you to the reunion?" "That isn't needed, but thank you. I will just.. go alone." I feel him smiling with his cheek against mine. "If you need me, call me anytime. I mean, at least now I know how to use a cellphone," he says.
I laugh at the memories of teaching Draco how to use a cellphone. Those were horrible!

Hermione's Family Reunion
Fanfiction- Dramione - - Earlier known as 'Reunion of Grangers' - Hermione is luckily married to the love of her life, Draco Lucius Malfoy. The worst day of her life comes: the day she got a letter from her aunt, saying she had to attend the family reunion of...