Hermione - 5th of April, 22:00
Finally done, I think as I close the laptop after filling in the latest of the many reports. With a groan I rub my temples. This headache was killing me, not to mention the dizzyness I constantly felt lately.
Maybe I should take a potion that Draco had insisted I packed in my suitcase 'in case something was wrong'. I smile softly at the thought of my husband, the overprotective lad he is.
I look around the large room quickly. One side of the room was covered with glass windows, one door in the middle that leads to the large pool and its terrace. At the left wall, kind of in the middle, stands a large bar with behind it the door to the kitchens. Not only was this a lounge, but also the restaurant.
Witches and wizards had their own space in the hotel on the 'non-existent-for-Muggles' 7th floor. In every room lays in one of the drawers an album with pictures of the magical parts of the hotel so you could Apparate inside there, as there were no doors to protect those areas from Muggles' eyes.
At one of the many tables sits my family, chatting rather fast. With a sigh I realise it was expected of me to join them one day. Well, better sooner than later, then I'm at least done with it. I ask one of the wizard-waiters to bring my laptop to my suite discreetly and stand up to sit with my family.
Well, at least my cousins were out to some club. I didn't have to deal with them.. for now. A fake smile plasters on my face and I sit down. "Goodevening, sorry for not joining you earlier, but I had some job-related things to do," I excuse myself.
"I thought you took free this week," mother says with a smile. She knows I like working and that I hate feeling worthless. "That's right, but I couldn't settle my mind without having this finished first," I reply.
"So Hermione, may I ask, what is your job," uncle Eric Knight asks. I smile discreetly. "I work for a large company that goes overseas. I'm in one of the top-functions there." "Hmm, interesting," he mumbles, his eyes narrowing.
"How is the lovelife, dearie," aunt Esmeralda asks, his lips formed into a sneaky, cunning smile. I blush and look at my lap. Then, my eyes travel over to my parents. They give me a look that says 'you decide if you tell them'. So far my last resort..
"I am fine in life, Esmeralda, thank you for asking." Suddenly, my dizzyness hits me with a large wave and I groan softly. My uncles and aunts didn't seem to notice as they continued chatting; my uncles arguing about the best expensive sports car while my aunts gossip about the latest tabloid article.
Mum leans over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright darling?" "I.. I don't know. I feel so dizzy all the time. The nausea doesn't help that much either," I sigh, running a hand through my brown locks.
She nods with that familiar motherly worry that she always had when I was sick. "Come on, you might just need a good night's sleep. With you working that much, I won't be surprised if these are just symptons of lacking sleep."
We excuse ourselves and walk upstairs. Mum looks around the suite, whistling softly. "Impressing.. very luxurious as well. It's amazing," she says, winking at me. I roll my eyes. "You know Draco, he always wants the best that he can get.. especially for me." I blush at my husband's dedication to me.
Mum laughs wholeheartedly. "Believe me darling, I see that. I think he won't hesitate on walking through fire for you if he had to. Enough chatting about your husband. What are all your symptons, and think of everything that you noticed lately," she says, pushing me down on the plush Queen-sized bed.
"Well, nausea.. especially in the morning, the fact that I feel dizzy quite a lot and.. oh Merlin.." It was as if a cartoon lamp flicks on above my head. "And what?" "I.. I missed my period this month. And now I think of it.. last month as well.."
She smirks a smirk that can match Lucius Malfoy's. "Well, I guess we have found the source already. Do you want to be for sure? I'm sure at least one pharmacy in the surroundings is open, or at least a drug store.. I will take you," she says.
"That is not needed, mum. I will drive myself." "Of course darling. Speaking of driving, how did you get that expensive car you arrived with this afternoon. A Lamborghini, if I'm right," she asks sneakily. I blush furiously.
Draco had this habit of buying expensive things for me that I didn't need. I had hoped it would die down after we had married, but it only got worse as he showered me with attention and gifts. It's cute, really, but I wished he didn't spent so much money on me. I was more plain and tried talking him out of it too often, but he never gave in so I just gave up.
Unfortunately, my mum totally agreed with Draco on showering me with gifts. 'It's his way of showing how much he loves you,' she had said.
"Well.. it was a present.." "Oh yes? From who," she asks, dragging the 'o'. "Draco," I reply. She smiles broadly and pecks my cheek. "Come on, you need a pregnancy test. Do you want me with you or not?"
"I will buy it myself, but I would appreciate it if.. if you where.." "Here when you take it," she asks, finishing my sentence for me. I nod, smiling sheepishly. She smiles, squeezing my hands. "Of course darling, I'll be here when you get back."
I grab my keys and bag and walk out of the hotel. Once I walk into a pharmacy closeby I walk towards the 'women's section'. There were anticonception pills('Probably a little too late, if the test proves right,' I think) and pregnancy tests. There were so many, it was hard to decide.
Of course, on that moment my phone decided to buzz. I pick up without looking at the number-ID. "Hello, Hermione Malfoy speaking." "Hey Hermione!" I recognize that voice out of a thousand. Especially after he killed the worst wizard in the whole history, and because I've known him for more 9 years.
"Harry! How are you and Ginny? How is your vacation in Spain?" "Very good, Ginny and I really enjoy it here. Guess what?" "What?" "We met Padma Patil, Marcus Flint, Luna and Neville here!" "Really, what were they doing there then?"
"They were doing a double-date-roadtrip through Spanish cities. Apparently Neville and Marcus became great friends after the war and Padma and Luna know each other through both being Ravenclaws. We met in Barcelona!" "I never kenw that Padma was dating Marcus Flint," I reply, my gaze keeps going back to the rows of pregnancy tests.
"Yes, they were 8 months together by now. Enough about us, what are you doing now?" "Me? I'm at my family reunion.." I have told Harry about my hate for these reunions, so he knows that I wasn't that happy at this moment.
"Isn't Draco with you then," he asks. I shake my head, even though I know he won't be able to see that. "He is on a business trip. Not that I would have allowed him to join me though.." "Why not? You are not ashamed of him, are you?" "Of course not Harry, it's just.. he can get so angry when someone reacts mean to me or when someone insults me. And believe me, that happens nearly every time I speak with my cousins when my grandmother isn't looking.."
"Why when she's not looking." "Because grandma has a lot of money and they want to act perfect for her so she would maybe higher the amount they will inherit if she is to pass away. Disgusting types of people, as if they don't have enough money already.." "I understand." "I know you do Harry. Sorry, I have to go now. See you after you come back from your trip."
"See you Hermione. Oh, don't forget to call us if they are bothering you.." "I promise, but I'm afraid you will have to stand at the end of the row of people who are ready to defend me then, which includes Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Theodore, Parvati, Seamus.. etcetra, etcetra."
He laughs and we hang up on each other. I look for a pregnancy test and just grabbed a random one. The female behind the cash desk smiles at me. 'Good luck', she mouths. I thank her with a smile and drive back with my car to the hotel.
Not much time later I close the door of my suite. Mum still sits on the bed, looking at me entering. She explains to me what I need to do and I walk into the bedroom. I fill a plastic cup with my urine and put the pregnancy test in it.
Mum and I sit down together on the bed, our hands entwining on my lap.
It was not as if Draco and I had been taking measures to prevent this from happening, but it wasn't like we were trying.. What would he think if the test turned out to be true?

Hermione's Family Reunion
أدب الهواة- Dramione - - Earlier known as 'Reunion of Grangers' - Hermione is luckily married to the love of her life, Draco Lucius Malfoy. The worst day of her life comes: the day she got a letter from her aunt, saying she had to attend the family reunion of...