Hermione- 12th of April, 8:23
By Merlin, I can strangle my overprotective husband sometimes. He told me to stay inside our bed and shouldn't move too much until the reunion ended. It was just one or two days left but still, I have freedom!
"Draco, please, I want to walk! My bum hurts because of constantly sitting and laying in this damn bed," I whine to him. The bastard smiles at me and pecks my lips.
"No, I won't let you. You know what the Healer of St Mungo's said," he murmurs against my lips. "I know but this is so boring.."
"Since when is my presence boring," he asks teasingly. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Not your presence, Draco, just staying here in this bed all the time is boring me to dead," I reply.
He grins and grabs my phone for me from the drawer. He then hands it to me with a smirk displaying on his lips. "Maybe your boredom will lessen if you call with some of your friends?"
"Thank you and Merlin for having me do something! I will call Ginny, maybe she will talk some sense.." He rolls his eyes as well.
Draco leaves the room to give me some privacy and I tick in Ginny's phone number. After just a few seconds she picks up.
"Wait Gin, how do you know about my shoulder?" "Uhmm, it was all in the newspapers? Haven't you noticed yet?" "No.. wait, what?" "Yeah and it kinda frustrated the whole Weasley clan to hear it this way. Enough talk about holes in shoulders, how are you, Draco and baby Ferret doing?"
I sigh deeply. Is nothing secret anymore?
"Okay and how do you know that?" "You know Hermione, the job of newspapers and journalists is giving news to people. Are you seriously the Brightest Witch of Her Age?" "Well.. how did Ronald react," I ask, a little scared for the answer.
"He cursed everything in the whole world and said he would kill Malfoy for not protecting you. Hmph, the loser," Ginny replies, mumbling the last. "Ronald is indeed a loser. Enough about us: Ginny, I heard you are pregnant yourself as well!" "I am and I can't wait for a little ginger baby with large glasses to cradle in my arms."
"I can't wait for my little blonde, witty ferret-baby either," I laugh.
"I don't remember if I asked you before but.. who stabbed you Hermione?" "My crazy delusional aunt. She was arrested by the police though and the Ministry of Magic obliviated my Muggle family members as Draco tried to use magic on them."
"Wow and I thought Draco's family was bad.. Why did she do it and.. what are the police?" "My aunt is simply crazy and she doesn't like it that I am happy with my life and the police are like the arrestation team of the Ministry of Magic."
"Oh, but without the magic?" "Exactly!" "Okay, I understand. By the way, do you want to visit the Burrow next week? I will promise you that Ronald won't be there." "I would be really glad to see you guys again, may I take Draco with me?"
"Of course, you know how much mum adores him since he's married to you." I smile widely at her remark and we laugh together.
After a few minutes of talking to Ginny I hang up and at that exact moment Draco walks into our suite again, only this time with a tray of food. "You shouldn't have done that Draco," I smile, shaking my head softly.
"Everything for my queen," he whispers into my ear and he presses a kiss between my eyebrows. He places the tray on our blankets that are draped on my lap. "Enjoy your breakfast, wifey. You and our little bean need all the nutrition you can get," he says, playing with my brown curls.
"You are the sweetest husband a woman, or a man for that matter, could ever have Draco." "Well, I should take good care for my wife, especially now she can't leave her bed." "Yeah, you really should," I reply and I put the tray of food on the nightstand as I grab Draco by his tie.
I pull him closer to me as I lay my back down on the mattress and he leans over me. "Are you going against my safety rules for you now," he asks, smirking playfully.
"I think I am, but who are you to stop me?" "Your husband, but you've got a point." "I always have a point Draco, you married the Brightest Witch of Her Age," I reply with a wink, smashing my lips on his as we start a little snogging session.

Hermione's Family Reunion
Fanfiction- Dramione - - Earlier known as 'Reunion of Grangers' - Hermione is luckily married to the love of her life, Draco Lucius Malfoy. The worst day of her life comes: the day she got a letter from her aunt, saying she had to attend the family reunion of...