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Hermione - 5th of April, 22:20

A few minutes later the alarm on my phone goes, indicating that the test should be ready. By now my hands were sweating. Mum stands up and grabs the test from the bathroom.

In the meanwhile I lay down on my bed and play with the silky blankets, very impatient, scared and with questions swirling in my mind.

Could I be pregnant? How would Draco react? Was he even interested in having kids? I mean, we were only just 2 years married.. wasn't it too soon?

"Here I have it," mum says, returning with the test in her hands. She had her hand over the little screen, probably so that I could see it first for myself. "Don't worry Hermione, everything will be alright," she says before handing me the plastic stick.

I sigh and turn it around, looking at the screen. Two pink lines confront me. I drop the stick, which lands on my lap with the screen on the upside. Mum quickly squats down before me and grabs my hands.

"What is it honey, are you alright?" Her gaze travels over me with that motherly worry-glance of hers, checking for any visible wounds. Would I be like that as well in a few years? Would I grab my son or daughter by the shoulders and check for any injuries every time they would come back from Hogwarts?

She glances at the test in my lap and her hands leave my body, forming a cocoon around her mouth as I hear a soft gasp escape lips. "You're.. you're.." "Pregnant," I finish, still staring at the test. The two pink lines seemed to challenge me.

Mum's arms wrap around my shoulder and she kisses me on the side of my head. "You should tell him." "I know.. but I don't know where he is." "Why don't you go to the office and look around, maybe somebody knows or he's simply there."

"No, he's not there. He had some.. business trip he had to do. We would meet each other again when he was done, one day after the reunion, he said." "Well, maybe Blaise knows where he is.. he's at the office, isn't he? Also, this isn't something you tell over a phone call.."

"I'll Apparate to Blaise, maybe he knows where Draco is indeed.. See you later mum, tell dad not to worry and about what happened. Love you!" I grab for my wand and hold the test in my free hand. Before she can reply I was already gone would a loud crack.

I Apparate right into my office, the only room directly connected to Draco's(except the hallway, if you can call that a room). It was exactly how I left it.. well, a bit. Papers lay everywhere and it was one big mess.

Behind my desk sits the person who obviously created this chaos: Blaise Zabini, our friend, the press guy of DLM Inc and the temporarily personal assistant of my husband. He looks up from the computer, which was of course magical, and smirks.

"Look who we have here, Mrs Malfoy!" "Don't call me that, it makes me feel old and I'm only 23," I reply, rolling my eyes. "Well then, what are you doing here Hermione," he asks, the joking taking off and making place for seriousness. "I need to speak with Draco, it's really important."

"You know your dear hubby is on a business trip, right?" "I was well aware," I groan. "Why don't you call him then?" "It's important Blaise, I want to speak with him face to face!" "Wow, no need to get moody. He's at the Bordeaux Serpent. What do you guys have with combining Slytherin and Gryffindor? Wasn't your marriage enough to make a statement, do you really have to call every hotel like that?"

"It's all Draco's choice, if you were wondering," I reply, rolling my eyes. "However, thank you for telling me. Bye!" "Hey, what do you have to tell him," he asks. "That's for you to ask and for me to know," I reply with a wink.

I hold my wand in the air and I flick it, Apparating away once again. This time I land in Draco's office in the Bordeaux Serpent. He was not here.. so he had to be in the conference room. With a quick pace I make my way down the hall.

I place my ear at the door and hear some soft murmurs. Draco was not alone, apparently. The hesitation kicked in. Should I bother him right now? Couldn't it just wait for a moment? I decided against it and knocked.

"Come in," Draco says with raised voice. I open the grey door and walk inside. There were many faces I knew there, like Pansy Zabini, Parvati and Dean Thomas. Some were unfamiliar though: I guess that's who Draco was having a meeting with.

I concentrate on Draco now and he looks surprised. His eyes widened and his lips fall open in a comical 'O'-shape. After a few moments to regain from the surprise his lips stretch into a smile.

"Hermione, what are you doing here?" "I have to speak to you, if it's possible. It's really important." Draco's eyebrows raise.

He knew me too well: when I say something is important, it's really important.

"Of course, wait for me in my office please. I'll be done here as soon as possible," he replies. I nod and leave the conference room to go back to his office.

I plump down on one of the chairs, rubbing my temples with my fingers. The dizziness was coming back and it hurt very badly.

"Are you alright?"

I look up to see Draco leaning against the doorframe. He crossed his arms before his bulky and muscular chest. His grey eyes were pierced on me.

"I-I'm fine, really," I groan, leaning back onto the black leather couch. He quickly walks forward and sits next to me. His arm swings around my shoulder and he smiles.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Oh boy.. you don't want to know..

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